Clear Lake Area Community Center Board Meeting
September 28, 2023 - CORRECTED
Present: Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Virginia Cahow, Muriel Nelson, Sue Anderson, Doug Cahow, Dan Pearson, Bert Petersen, Wendy Schoggins, Joan Lillie
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tim Wyss at 9:30 am.
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tim
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the August 22, 2023 Board Meeting were accepted as submitted.
Treasurer Report - Virginia Cahow
Virginia reviewed the August Statement.
The thrift shop continues to have strong sales.
All but one tenant is current on rent payments and that tenant is moving out.
A $1500 donation was received from Sharon Petersen plus $125 from Thrivent, the latter covers the cost of the thrift shop phone.
Insurance premiums continue to increase. To date, other potential insurers have declined to submit a quote.
The current agent indicated signs should be posted indicating that CLACC is not responsible for injuries on premises. This was tabled from the previous board meeting. When asked, Bert Petersen indicated there is no legal merit to the underwriter’s request. No action will be taken at this time.
The electrical bill is somewhat higher than the norm (almost $1000 in August).
Edward Jones – Eric Morrisey briefly joined the meeting to explain that the Invesco investment recently transferred will remain as “Invesco” and that the money can be moved to different funds within the Invesco umbrella without any fees. The funds were moved from Class C to Class A shares, a better investment.
He stated that if needed, the Money Market reserves can be allocated by the board for such things as roof repair, etc.
Eric also cautioned that investment returns have been low over the last 2 years and time will tell the future.
CDs with Pillar Bank - Following Eric’s departure, Virginia indicated that the 3 CD’s will mature in late October; return on CDs is now less than the Money Market yields overall. Doug made the motion to invest the CD money, upon maturity, in the Money Market account at Ed Jones. Muriel seconded the motion; motion carried.
Office Management Report – Wendy Schoggins
With suites 302 and 209 under contract, all office suites are now rented. There is a file in the desk drawer with a waiting list.
Humpy Danielson wants to rent space to store his cooking equipment. Ray suggested a small area off the kitchen that would be adequate in size and location. It was agreed to charge Humpy $50/mo. for this small storage area starting Nov. 1.
The Tenant Contract needs updating for the 2024 year. Tenants need to be informed if the rent will be increased. A separate sub-committee will meet to determine rent requirements. Tim, Virginia, Ray, Wendy, and Muriel will meet at 3 p.m. on Oct 11.
Room 307 is currently used for storage by CLACC and the community theater. It’s been asked if this could be rented space. Wendy & Tim will meet with Heidi Paulson on October 11 at 1 p.m. to determine if the goods held in this room can be moved elsewhere, clearing the space for a rent-paying tenant.
Short-term Rental – Question was raised if the small event center room can be rented when the large room is also rented. It was determined that this can be done by installing a dead bolt between the 2 rooms. This option won’t be advertised but can be used as needed; rental cost for the larger room would then be reduced if this occurs.
Old Thrift Shop Report – Sue Anderson
The volunteers are still sorting through the increased donations and items removed from the shed. The shed is locked to prevent future donation storage.
Since the shed is no longer needed, Ray made a motion to sell it. Sue seconded the motion; motion carried. Wendy will post it on Marketplace or similar site. The board should be informed of the selling price.
Sue is attempting to clear the hallway before the Halloween party.
Committee Reports:
Building Maintenance - Tim
Curt Glaesemann will install mop boards in second floor hallway. CLACC will provide materials.
Matt Nelson will clean the gym lobby carpet for $150 on Oct. 18. Premier Gymnastics informed.
Weather stripping is needed for gym lobby outside doors and front doors. Date TBD.
Seasonal boiler maintenance – Tim will coordinate this work.
Decorating - Wendy
Picture collages of former graduates will be hung above the lockers in hallway leading toward Event Center. One frame is too big and needs to be cut down; we’re looking for volunteer to do this. The pictures won’t be hung before the Halloween party.
Framed blueprints will be moved near the double doors to the gym hallway.
CREW group - The youth group from the Covenant Church will be at CLACC on Oct. 21. Wendy is looking for ideas to keep them busy. Volunteers are needed to oversee their work.
Cleaning – Sally Johnson, a new volunteer, deep-cleaned the restrooms near the office. She is willing to help with other projects.
Exterior doors - The new paint is already scratched from stones used as door stops. Eric Wood is making wedge-shaped wood stops. The school may also be asked to help.
Ron Cress volunteered to paint the green wood above the old gym doors to match the new door paint.
Signage above outside doors - Wendy made some new signs at a fraction of the cost of commercially made ones. Joan offered some plywood for more signs.
Program Development
Senior Luncheon – Oct. 26 at noon - Muriel
Advertisement - Information has been sent to local churches. A poster is being made to hang in local stores and senior apartment buildings.
Board members are invited to come and if possible, to assist with seating, serving, etc.
Pre-registration is required by Oct. 20.
Halloween Haunted House
The haunted house event is scheduled for Oct. 28 and 29 (11 am -2 pm) and on Halloween from 5-8. The haunted house will be situated in the hallway leading to the Event Center. On Halloween, the Community Theater fishing pond and a photo-op area will be added, either in the hallway by Door #4 or in the small Events Room.
Grants - Muriel
Asbestos Abatement: The asbestos removal company will be providing a quote for the additional asbestos abatement work identified during a walk-through of the ground floor. ARS verbally reported that the combined quotes will approach the maximum that the granting organization would provide ($150,000 or 80% of the total cost).
Event Center stage, lighting and audio systems: A grant request will be submitted to T-Mobile Hometown Grant Program during this 3-month application period. It requires 5 recommendation letters from the local community. Five community leaders were contacted and agreed to support the request.
Fire Suppression System – Marci submitted a request to the Polk Burnett’s Operation Round Up for $1000. The request will be considered in January.
Other projects & grant requests - They remain on the list for committee action.
Unfinished Business:
Winter Indoor Market-Tim
Some board members met with Jess Frederick on 9/27 to finalize details for the “Indoor Winter Makers Market”.
Dates are Nov 11 and 25, Dec. 2 & 9, Jan. 13 and 27 and Feb. 10.
Tables – Vendors will be charged $20 per day to use CLACC tables. There’s no charge if they bring their own.
Signage-Wendy requested money to obtain advertising signs to place out at the highway, in front of the building and elsewhere. Most signs can be re-used. Virginia made a motion that up to $500 be made available to Wendy to purchase these signs. Muriel seconded the motion; motion carried.
New Business:
Fund Raising Event - Tim
Lori DeBoer and Candace Kuhl each offered separately to head up a fund raiser for CLACC. They have now joined together, probably using Candace’s proposed date of February 18.
A suggestion was recently made to obtain a postal permit. Rather than a permit, it was agreed to buy non-profit stamps since that will be a more manageable approach.
Adjournment: Muriel made a motion to adjourn at approximately 11:30. Ray seconded the motion; motion carried.
Next Board Meeting – Thursday, October 26, 9:30 AM
CLACC Office
