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September Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: claccdigclaccdig

Updated: Dec 22, 2022

September 23d Meeting @ Community Center Office.

Time: 7 PM

Attending: Wendy Scoggins, Muriel Nelson. Dan Pearson, Virginia Cahow, Tim Wyss and Douglas Cahow.

Pledge of Allegiance said.

Minutes of August meeting were approved as presented.

Treasurers' Report. Virginia and Steve are working on a better way to use Quick Book. Most budgeted expenses were within expected margins. The following categories were further discussed.

  • Thrift sales for August were $2,244.85 and total through 2022 is $18,878.84 (minus Thrift Sales expenses).

  • All residents are current with rent. Good job, Steve.

  • Fund raising: $1865.00 with a net 061089.57 for brat stand.

  • Grants: Steve has submitted an "Operation Roundup" grant. Other grants are being researched.

  • Kitchen and Dining Room use has proven to be very financially rewarding 2022.

  • Event Center underuse was discussed. We need to get more activity from it.

  • Discussed buying bulk plastic bags. Virginia will look into that issue.

  • Gas bill has already exceeded its budget of $21,000.00. A concern about the cost of air conditioning in certain rooms.

  • Maintenance. From January thru August the 2022 budget of $6,000.00 was far exceeded because, a coil for the heat exchanger, new circulating pump and new water heater brought the total Maintenance expenditure to $11,293.84

  • WESTconsin Credit Union showed Checking with $13,887.38 and Money Market with $108, 134.71. A special meeting will be held on October 6th to further discuss ways to earn a greater yield than the Money Market. Edward Jones and the US Government were mentioned as possibilities.

  • Bank of Baldwin showed over $10,000.00 in our recent CLACC account.

Tuck Pointing will start on September 26.

Work is continuing on the floor project.

Old business: none

New business: September monetary assets.

  • Muriel and Wendy presented several great ideas on Volunteerism. The Chronicle, on page 7, gave a full page presentation about Volunteerism. These two ladies have made a concerted effort to show new avenues for CLACC to follow in gaining new volunteers. Among our Board, we stressed the importance of what does CLACC mean. We discussed starting a campaign to educate the public what that acronym means. To many people it is a group of letters.

  • Along with that idea, a copy of The Polk County magazine was presented. It is a colorful expose featuring all communities in Polk County. For example, every town or city receives at least 2 pages of events and highlights for that community. The Clear Lake village pays $1,135.00 for two pages. For another $800.001 an additional page may be purchased. This writer believes this is a very good avenue to promote CLACC to greater Polk County and Western Wisconsin.

  • Lastly Wendy gave an update on our web page. Our current web address is very lengthy. Wendy suggests we apply and get the following Domain: CLACC.Org. It is free, but we should act fast before someone else gets it.

Adjourned: 9:30 PM.


Acting Secretary-Douglas Cahow


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