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Sept Board Meeting Minutes

Clear Lake Area Community Center Board Meeting Minutes

September 26, 2024

Present: Board Members - Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Doug Cahow, Bert Pedersen, Wendy Schoggins, Muriel Nelson. Advisory Board member: Lori DeBoer. Guests: John Koerper

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tim Wyss at 9:30 am in the CLACC Office.

Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tim.

Secretary’s Reports: The minutes of the August 22, 2024, Board Meetings were accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report – Wendy Schoggins for Virginia Cahow


  • The net proceeds to date from the Sept. 12 & 13 brat sale is $1014.20 including donations of $164.00


  • The final payment for the roof will appear in next month’s report.

  • It was noted that Bartingale will be performing more work.

The report was accepted as submitted pending any future audits.

Office Management – Wendy

Rental Fee to non-profit organizations  - short term rentals

  • There was a discussion about inconsistencies in how local non-profits are charged when renting the kitchen and other short-term rental spaces. It was agreed that the rental fees should be uniform for all non-profits. However, board members were unable to  determine the rate structure. Lori made the motion that the board establish a consistent rate for the non-profit organizations’ short term rentals but to table the topic to the next meeting.  Wendy second the motion; motion carried.

Thrift Shop

  • Donations continue to be at a surplus.  The excess was temporarily moved into the Event Center to keep the hallway open.

  • Attempts to temporarily close donations haven’t worked.

  • Ray will meet with Eric Wood to review the importance of Eric keeping up with his job of moving out the unwanted items.

Standing Committee Reports:

Building and Maintenance:

  • Convection oven  - Installation is complete, thanks to Tim, Eric & Mark Rundquist. Mark is fixing the light that isn’t working

  • Weather-stripping – Wendy has taken on this project.  Most doors need new weather-stripping.

  • Event Center entry flooring – Wendy & Trevor (from Community Services) replaced the flooring at this entry with materials similar to that used in the gym lobby. The results are very impressive.

  • Bartingale will return to complete the “cold weather prep” for the boiler, as soon as they can get into the big boiler room.

  • Gift from Fisher Roofing – The contractor gave CLACC some gift cards for Subway. There was discussion om how best to use them.

  • Repair from water leak.

    • Sunshine Fitness Center Suite – Tim consulted with Greg Dodge who suggests that paneling, not sheetrock,  be used to repair the walls in case the pipes leak again.

    • Gym hallway area – The wall requires repair from a leak that occurred several years ago.

    • Water on carpet in Sunshine Fitness - Water was detected a few days ago and determined to be from the clean-up following asbestos abatement in the dining room.  No repair required.

  • Decorating Committee – Wendy

  • Trevor from Community Services and Wendy will be painting. They’ll paint a door, maybe more, the lower level hallway and will finish the lobby before he leaves (before October 15).

Program Development

Senior Luncheons  - 

  • The August 22 luncheon was very successful with 71 in attendance and Clear Lake’s Queen Shelby Meyer greeted and visited with the lunch-goers.

  • More Senior Luncheons are planned for October 24 and December 5.

  • Joan and Muriel are very grateful to each person who has volunteered to help out and make these meals successful.

BingoGames continue on the 2nd Tuesday of the month and after senior luncheons for the remainder of 2024 with participation of 8-12 dedicated players. These low-key games will continue to be 100% payback.

Executive/Finance - Tim

Donation from Lions Club

  • The local Lions Club donated $1500 to CLACC.

Donation Center, aka, Greenhouse, Project

  • Tim has initiated the application for a building permit.

  • It appears that CLACC will need to use an architect to acquire the building drawings and specifications required for the project.

Grant Committee – Muriel

Asbestos Abatement Project

  • The asbestos abatement contractor started as promised on Tuesday, Sept. 3 in the old boiler room. The contractor is making excellent progress.

Grant application status

  • Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation for HVAC upgrade – 

    • CLACC was awarded $35,000 and informed that we could renew the grant application in 2025 and 2026 for another $35,000 each year.

    • Muriel will seek clarification from the foundation regarding requirements for renewal, e.g., do we have to spend the first $35,000 or can we hold it pending receipt of additional grant money, etc.

    • Tim will coordinate a meeting with the HVAC contractor to determine how best to proceed in 3 phases.

  • Other grant requests are in process.

Unfinished Business:

National Registry of Historical Places Application – No Report

Cupid’s Carnival 2025 - Scheduled for Saturday, February 22.

Winter Market -  Dates are Nov 9 and 30, Dec. 14, Jan. 11 and Feb. 8 and 22, that last one coinciding with Cupid’s Carnival.

New Business

Community Education Tailgate Party – Wendy

  • Community Education is hosting a tailgating party prior to Homecoming, October 4.

  • As Community Education Director, Wendy asked for CLACC’s support.

  • Lori made the motion for CLACC to donate $100 toward food and prizes; Muriel seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Long-Term Rental Agreement - Tim

  • A letter will be sent out to tenants in the near future.

VFW Old Flag Receptacle

  • The VFW asked for a location where people can place U.S. flags that are no longer acceptable to use.

  • After some discussion, there wasn’t agreement on the best location for the receptacle.

Payment for asbestos removal work outside original project scope – Tim

  • Three additional rooms were identified as requiring asbestos abatement.

  • The contractor quoted a cost of $10,500, including the new boiler room.

  • Lori made the motion to apply estimated costs for “Area 11” (the “as needed” clause in the contractor’s original contract) to fund the additional work. Bert seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  • The county has arranged for free drop off of electronic equipment on October 17 in St. Croix Falls and October 24 in Amery. Hours for both are 1-5 p.m. CLACC will take advantage of this.


  • At 11:05 am, Doug made a motion to adjourn; Muriel seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Next CLACC Board Meeting – October 24, 9:30 am

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