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October Meeting Minutes

Clear Lake Area Community Center Board Meeting

October 26, 2023 

Board Members Present: Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Virginia Cahow, Muriel Nelson, Sue Anderson, Doug Cahow, Dan Pearson, Wendy Schoggins, Lori DeBoer

Guests: Tenants Wendy Dietrich, Kristina Howell, and Misty Wood; John Koerper

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tim Wyss at 9:30 am.

Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tim

Tim invited the tenant guests to make their presentations:

Sol Deo Gloria:

  • Wendy Dietrich, owner of Soli Deo Gloria Academy of Ballet (formerly Karar Ballet Studio), indicated her company (SDG) is interested in renting the Event Center for a performance the weekend of Dec. 14-16. She requested access to the center on Dec 3, 4, 8 & 9 for rehearsals and take-down on Dec. 17 at no charge. SDG will pay rent for the performance dates of Dec. 14-16 and indicated that the donations received at the first night performance would be donated to CLACC.  

  • There is an issue with the surface of the stage. A cover costing $250 is needed; the ballet company is willing to buy it. Other issues related to sound, lighting and backstage area are yet to be resolved.  SDG wants to use the Event Center for performances long term. It was mentioned that SDG’s stage surface requirements need to be included in the selection of a new stage, should the Grant Committee be successful in obtaining the Event Center equipment grant.

  • Ray moved that CLACC follow the agreement currently in place with the community theater for their rental of the Event Center and apply that to SDG’s Event Center rental. That agreement includes no rent fee for practice and staging but rent is required for performance days.  Dan seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Out of the Woods Goods:

  • Kristina Howell and Misty Wood, owners of Out of the Woods Goods (OWG), a licensed confectionary business that rents Suite 205, verified their need for a fire suppression system in CLACC’s kitchen. Their source for a kitchen is suddenly unavailable and they have no suitable commercial kitchen to make candy.  Kristina provided information for a suppression system that costs about $2000 more than our current bid. 

  • OWG is willing to donate $2500 toward the purchase of the needed system, provided they can use the kitchen at no charge for a time (TBD) and that, long term, they can rent the space at a reduced rate. OWG projects using the kitchen 1 day/week.

  • Kristina also indicated she is willing to assist with a “Kitchen Committee”, a requirement for a certified commercial kitchen.

  • Doug moved to purchase the Fire Suppression System, at the cost of $4,275 even prior to receipt of any grant monies for the system. Dan seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Secretary’s Report: Corrections were identified to the minutes of the September 28 Board Meeting. Eric Morrisey was incorrectly identified as “Ed”. The minutes were accepted as corrected.

Treasurer Report - Virginia Cahow

Virginia reviewed the September Statement.


  • Contract rental income is up compared to previous months.

  • A repeat annual donation was received from the Lions Club for $1500 and is greatly appreciated.


  • Painting supply costs are reflected in this month’s expenses.

  • The license fee listed is needed for fund-raising, etc.

Research continues for a less expensive insurance.

The WESTconsin account is being kept for now because there is one tenant who uses it for auto pay.

Office Management – Wendy Schoggins

  • A new digital lobby display with security camera has been installed. The security camera is meant more to deter than to catch illegal actions. The display is for advertising CLACC events.

  • A donated printer is now in service.

  • The United Covenant Church has offered a copier with some supplies to CLACC.

Old School Thrift Shop – Sue Anderson

  • The shop continues to receive positive customer feedback.

  • A new sign has been installed to replace one that is deteriorating.

  • Lori suggested signing up for the “shop hop” passport program.

Standing Committees

Building and Maintenance - Tim

  • Coving (aka, mopboard) for the 2nd floor hallway - Cost for the coving plus adhesive is approximately $1/linear foot. Installation will be completed by volunteers. Doug made the motion to proceed with the purchase; Virginia seconded the motion.  Motion was carried.

  • Gym lobby carpet -  The carpet was cleaned by Matt Nelson. There is a mold issue near the doors to the outside that he was unable to resolve so he didn’t charge CLACC.  Discussion ensured for the best way to resolve (replace carpet, add mats to the door entrance, etc.) with no decision made. Wendy was asked to research options and get prices.

  • Weather stripping doors – Several doors need new weather stripping installed prior to winter, including those to the gym entrance.

  • Kitchen water heater – The heater wasn’t working so Tim had Mark Rundquist install a new element earlier this week.

  • Floor stripping and wax. A newer volunteer (Donna) volunteered to strip and wax the dining room floor. She has experience in this work.  It was recommended to follow what the school system uses. This may be using Hilliard products. Lori made the motion to purchase the necessary supplies and Sue seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

  • Gym gutters - Doug pointed out that the gym gutters get plugged every year and work should be done now to avoid this situation. Doug was asked to contact Steve Engebretson who has helped in the past and who has the equipment to access the gutters.

Program Development:

  • CLACC-ADRC co-sponsored Senior Luncheon – Muriel

The first luncheon will be held today. A report will be provided at the next meeting.

  • Halloween Haunted House – Wendy 

The decorations are up in the hallway leading to the Event Center. The event will be open Oct. 28, 29 and 31.

Grants – Muriel

  • A $50,000 grant submission was made to T-Mobile Hometown grants for improvements to the Event Center, i.e., a new stage, lighting and audio systems. We should know shortly after the first of the year if CLACC will receive any grant money.

  • The asbestos abatement grant request should be sent out within a week.

Unfinished Business:

Indoor Winter Makers Market – Wendy

  • There are already 20 vendors signed up.

  • Wendy is purchasing the signs as approved at the last meeting.

Rent for 2024 - Tim

  • A subcommittee determined that the 2024 tenant rates rent can stay the same as 2023. However, we must analyze income needs for 2025 by July 2024 so that tenants can be advised for their business budget planning.

Adjournment: Muriel made a motion to adjourn at approximately 11:00 am. Virginia seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Next meeting – December 7, 2023 at 9:30 AM

CLACC Office

(Because of the holidays, it was decided to combine the November & December meetings into one meeting in early December.  After the meeting, it was decided to move the meeting to December 7 to avoid conflicts with our next senior meal.)

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