MINUTES OF October 27, 2022
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Sue Anderson, Doug Cahow, Virginia Cahow, Dan Pearson, Steven Kearney
OTHERS PRESENT: Muriel Nelson, Wendy Schoggins, Marci Meyers
Call to order 7:00 PM by Tim Wyss
Pledge of Alliance: Tim Wyss
Minutes of Previous Meeting: September minutes approved.
Treasurer Report: Virginia presented the Treasurers Report – reviewed and approved.
Steve reported that Polk County Round Up awarded us $1000.00 in grant funds for acquiring more new display islands for the thrift shop.
Thrift Shop:
Operation Round Up grant was awarded for $1000.00 to be applied to purchasing more professional retail shelving. Sue and Tim will be discussing and ordering shelving appropriate for displaying shoes for sale.
Building and Grounds:
Tim reported that Paul’s Sheet Metal had been in to do the annual roof inspection and maintenance repairs. Steve showed pictures of the damage needing repair which included fairly extensive release of edging strip that holds the rubber roofing in place. The repairs came to just under $1900.00.
Tim also reported a meeting and discussion with Joe Mara regarding options for correcting the heating problem that has plagued the gymnasium for the past two years. Joe still thinks the correct answer is a stand-alone gas fired system. Part of the issue / question is do we invest $22K in updated wireless thermostats in an old boiler system that could fail in a major way after investing that much money in thermostat technology. Board discussion lead to who might be best suited to provide plans and estimates for a stand alone system. Tim mentioned Joe pointed out we will need a licensed contractor to design a system that will need to be approved by the State. Tim will be meeting with several contractors able to do the job. It was also agreed that if we do elect to build a stand alone system air conditioning should be included for future rentability of the space.
Flooring installation on the 2nd floor hallway space begins November 11, 2022. The question of whether or not the two landings should be done at the same time. Dan moved and Steve seconded to include the landings as part of this project. Motion carried.
New Business:
Ray reported that Peggy Smith (a local interior decorator) has volunteered to do limited seasonal decorating in the center.
Marci Meyers attended the meeting and agreed to help out with identifying and working on grant applications.
Wendy reported that Tenant Talk has been launched.
Muriel reported making progress with interviewing and highlighting center tenants.
Investment possibilities were discussed and I-bonds seem to be the wisest move currently. Doug made a motion to purchase a $10K I bond. Virginia seconded the motion. Motion carried. Tim will be making the purchase soon.
Discussion regarding center long term tenant rental rates: After a study conducted by Steve, Tim and Virginia it became apparent that we do not currently need to raise the current square foot rate. It was decided that we would monitor expenses over the next six months and prepare tenants for the possibility of an increase in 2024. A letter will be drafted sometime early in 2023 for the tenants to forewarn them we are considering an increase. Sue made a motion to maintain the current rental rates through 2023. Ray seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Wendy informed us that if we want to maintain the CLACC domain name it will cost $12.95 per year. Dan made a motion to maintain it. Sue seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Next meeting: It was decided to not have a November 2022 board meeting due to the Thanksgiving Day conflict.
Motion to adjourn at: 8:30p carried.
