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November Board Meeting Minutes

Writer: claccdigclaccdig

Updated: Dec 5, 2024

Clear Lake Area Community Center Board Meeting Minutes

November 21, 2024

Present: Board Members - Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Virginia Cahow, Doug Cahow, Sue Anderson, Bert Petersen, Wendy Schoggins, Muriel Nelson; Advisory Board member: Joan Lillie; Tenant: Jess Frederick.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tim Wyss at 9:30 am in the CLACC Office.

Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tim.

Secretary’s Reports: The minutes of the October 24, 2024, Board Meeting were accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report – Virginia Cahow 

The Treasurer’s Report was accepted as submitted pending any future audits.

Office Management – Wendy

  • (See presentation by tenant).

Thrift Shop

  • A new volunteer has joined the group. Pam signed on as a greeter/cashier for a limited shift and may expand her hours in the future.

  • Tim requested a meeting with the Thrift Shop volunteers to discuss goals and identify any special needs. Sue suggested Monday, Nov. 25, at 1 PM.

Tenant Concerns

1. Jess Frederick, tenant of Suite 140 and co-owner of Whistling Pines Ranch, addressed the board about a security failure involving her suite.

Jess’ concerns:

  • Contractors entered her suite without adequate notice. Because she was out of town, she was unable to secure her inventory. The contractors weren’t supervised by CLACC and there was damage to the floor paint in her area.

  • The door was left unlocked and although noticed, no one took action to secure the suite.  While the door was open, cash and valuable inventory was stolen from her suite.

  • Overall, she feels that CLACC is very lax in its security policies and not very responsive to tenant requests.

CLACC reported the theft to the Clear Lake Police who have been investigating the theft with Jess’ cooperation and support from CLACC. Fingerprints were obtained from the cash box but because of its uneven surface, they cannot obtain useable prints. The police investigation is ongoing.

The board discussed and took several actions to immediately improve security in the building:

  • Bert moved to change the CLACC Long-Term Tenant Policy, Section 4.8, to state that renters will be notified not 12 hours, but 24 hours, in advance of non-emergency entry into their suite. Sue seconded the motion; motion carried.

  • The office process to secure the lock box containing keys to office suites has already been modified to increase security.

  • A Wi-Fi router has been installed in the gymnasium wing so that surveillance cameras can be installed.  Tenants can install their own cameras in their suites and CLACC will install cameras in the common areas.

  • Eight ‘Ring’ security cameras will be installed in common areas in the facility and monitored by CLACC.  Wendy recommended that CLACC get a subscription so that the center can review stored videos already taken by the cameras.  The current cost is $10.95/mo. Muriel made the motion that the center get the subscription; Doug seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

  • The center’s process for working with contractors will be changed to include that all contractors entering a tenant suite for center-related work must be accompanied by an individual vetted by the center.

  • The center will engage a locksmith to assist in determining how best to proceed with building security as it relates to locks.

  • It was recommended that CLACC communicate with all tenants with an overview of what occurred, and the action steps the center has taken/will take to improve building security.

2. Doug Cahow

  • Doug suggested that CLACC market clothing, e.g., t-shirts, sweatshirts, and caps with a CLACC logo to support the center’s positive image and further promote the center. Virginia made the motion that CLACC provide $500 for the project. Doug seconded the motion. Motion passed.  Wendy and Jess will design the logo(s).

Standing Committee Reports:

Building and Maintenance:

  • Weather stripping: The project is ongoing.

  • Air compressor: The air compressor must be replaced.  Tim has an estimate of approximately $600.  Wendy moved that a new compressor be purchased.  Muriel seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

  • Asbestos abatement – The work will be done in the gymnasium March 22-30, 2025, as agreed upon with the tenant, Premier Complex. (This is a planned closure for Spring Break). Because young people attend classes in the gym, the contractor will treat the area as he does schools by conducting an independent air quality assessment prior to releasing the area back to CLACC.

  • Light bulb replacement – gym area. The tenant is doing some maintenance (springboard replacement) on Nov. 26.  CLACC will take this opportunity to replace light bulbs with LED lights as needed.

Program Development:

Senior Luncheon:

  • The October 26 Senior Luncheon had 81 people in attendance plus another 4-5 carryout meals. Joan and Muriel are very grateful to everyone who helped. 

  • Community Education provided a session on Safe Banking after the meal and over 20 people participated. Since it worked so well, Community Ed will schedule another post luncheon session in February.

  • The Holiday luncheon will be on Dec. 5. Sign-up for this meal is ongoing.


  • Bingo continues to be scheduled after the luncheons and the second Tuesday of the month at 1 pm.

  • Bingo will be relocated to the VFW suite on luncheon days when Community Ed follows the meal.  Muriel has written approval from the VFW to do this.

  • Community Education has scheduled crafting every other Tuesday; the Bingo will need to change its schedule starting in May, 2025. Muriel will negotiate with the Bingo group.


  • The proposed 2025 budget was distributed for review.

  • Muriel suggested that any overage  be earmarked as  “Facilities Improvements” since unplanned, but necessary, improvements tend to occur, e.g., the fire suppression system purchase and installation, the replacement convection oven purchase and installation. Tuckpoint work was mentioned as another example.

  • Wendy asked everyone to return their comments to her prior to the next meeting.

  • Approval of the budget will be on the December agenda.

Grant Committee – Muriel

Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation and IRS Public Support Test

  • The foundation recommends that CLACC ensures it meets the criteria of the IRS Public Support Test. Tim contacted a law firm in Hudson that is experienced in nonprofit organizations’ compliance with IRS issues. The lawyer there indicated that a completed IRS Form 990, Schedule A, should be sufficient to prove this. Wendy provided a copy of the form that verifies that CLACC has no individual source accounting for 1/3 or more of the center’s income.

Joe Berghammer’s report of proposed thrift shop donation structure on greenhouse foundation site.

  • Joe inspected the proposed site for the thrift shop donation center with CLACC staff on Oct. 24. 

  • Information gained from this inspection deemed that that plan was fraught with issues making it either too expensive or too difficult to proceed with the project as originally proposed. For example, certain changes could be required to the original building, e.g., a sprinkler system.

  • An alternate plan will be developed in the future.

Unfinished Business:

Short-Term Rental Rate for non-profits: The subject is deferred to the December meeting.

Placement of the retired flag receptacle: The subject is deferred until the VFW makes a recommendation, probably in the Spring.

National Registry of Historical Places Application – No Report

Cupid’s Carnival 2025 - Scheduled for Saturday, February 22. No update.

New Business

Proposal to use Lions Club donation for added security to the facility

  • After a brief discussion, Muriel made a motion to apply the $1500 donation from the Lions Club to expenses surrounding increasing security to the building, e.g., cameras and other needs.  Sue seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

  • A letter of thanks will be sent to the Lions.

Relocation of the printing press

  • The antique printing press remains in the hallway leading to the gymnasium.

  • It weighs about 1500 lbs. and barely fits through most doorways. Hence, moving it will be difficult.

  • It was agreed that the better location would be outside the Chronicle office on the second floor.

  • Relocation plans are TBD.


  • At approximately 11:10 am, Muriel made a motion to adjourn; Ray seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Post Meeting with Eric Morrissey of Edward Jones

Eric provided the following recommendations:

  • Open a CD for the grant money received from the FBKCA Foundation for the HVAC system if we don’t intend to use that money for up to a year.

  • Move extra money from Pillar checking and savings accounts into the Edward Jones Money Market to obtain a better interest rate.

  • Update the current list of facility improvements needed (roof-phase 2, tuckpoint work, finishing the asbestos project, etc.).

  • Consider a commercial loan or line of credit if an emergency expenditure arises.

Next CLACC Board Meeting – December 19, 9:30 am


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