Over the years, generous grants have made it possible to make many improvements to the Clear Lake Area Community Center. Therefore, the community center board has unanimously decided that we should once again focus on seeking grants.
At the December meeting, CLACC's board prioritized seeking grants for HVAC and flooring, among several other improvement projects. As always, suggestions are welcome.
Possible grants to seek:
HVAC ~ $250k
Flooring ~ $36k
Gym Hallway (asbestos)
Other areas with asbestos (e.g. Room 303)
Energy efficiency
Kitchen fire suppression
Parking lot improvement
Outdoor “mall” signs
Indoor directional signs
Elevator to 2nd and 3rd floors
Structure on greenhouse foundation
More...suggestions welcome!
On Monday, January 16, several volunteers gathered to discuss working together to obtain grants for the community center. The newly formed grant committee is led by Marcie Meyer, who you may recognize as Clear Lake's K-12 librarian. The committee also includes Muriel Nelson, Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Steve Kearney, and Wendy Schoggins.
We would love your help if you have grant writing experience, a knack for research, or simply keeping things on track! Please contact one of us or join us at the next meeting, which is Wednesday, February 8, at 3:30 p.m. in the CLACC office (room 124).
