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Grant Meeting Minutes

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Updated: 1 hour ago

CLACC Grant Meeting – February 3, 2025

Participants: Tim Wyss, Wendy Schoggins, Marci Meyer, Shelby Meyer, Lori DeBoer, Muriel Nelson

Grant Submission Status:


  • Polk County Round-Up - $1,000 received toward the garbage disposal.

Awaiting response:

  • Hugh Andersen Foundation -$105,000 for the HVAC System

  • FNC - $2500 for HVAC System)

To be submitted:

  • Lowe’s Hometown – Roofing project (Marci) Due Feb. 18

    • Marci needs a copy of the latest bid and the 2025 CLACC Board members list.

  • Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation – HVAC (Muriel) Due March 30)

Foundation visits:

  • Brad Kruse from Hugh Andersen toured the facility on Jan. 9. He was impressed by the changes since his last visit 10 years ago.

  • Kim Borton of Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation will tour the facility on Feb. 27 and attend the Senior Luncheon that day.

Ideas from Lori:

Lori attended a workshop and shared the following ideas for increasing community awareness about our organization:

  • “100 Cups of Coffee” – This involves meeting up with an individual from a local business; find out what they now about the center and exchange information about CLACC with them. Ask them to recommend another person that you can contact for a coffee get-together.

  • “Drip Campaign” – Post something every week (twice if possible) that spotlights an event, volunteer, tenant or some other interesting bit of information about CLACC.

Shelby’s visits to businesses:

  • Documents were distributed for review.  However, in light of the ‘100 Cups’, revisions are needed in the letter.

  • The group made recommendations for modifying the brochure.  Wendy will incorporate the changes & redistribute.

  • Schedule – Shelby will share her schedule of available dates & Muriel will find volunteers to accompany her on these visits.

Other topics:

  • Window replacement project – More windows need to be added to that project. It should include the 12 gym lobby windows, the 2 large windows in the boiler room (currently boarded up), and store front windows to be installed in front of the garage door in the thrift shop.

  • Pillar Bank previously expressed interest in being involved in CLACC projects.  The topic will be discussed in depth at the next meeting.

Next meeting – March 3 at 3:30 in the CLACC Office.

CLACC Grant Meeting 

January 6, 2025

Present: Tim Wyss, Marci Meyer, Shelby Meyer, Wendy Schoggins, Sue Anderson, Muriel Nelson


Grant Submission Status:

  • St. Croix Elective Cooperative (SCEC) declined our request for a grant ($10,000 – HVAC)

  • Hugh Andersen Foundation representative(s) will be doing a site visit on Wednesday, Jan. 8 at 2 pm. They’ve requested a copy of the operating budget, and we’ll provide the proposed 2025 or offer to send them a copy of the approved 2025 in late Jan. Marci and Tim will host the visit.

  • Polk County Operation Round Up – Response should come by January 15.

  • Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation – Murie will make another submission by Feb. 15. We’re asking for an additional $70,000 for the HVAC project.

Project Status:

HVAC project:

  • Tim will follow up with Countryside regarding the status of their quote. 

  • (Update – Countryside will be at the center on Monday, Jan. 13.)

Shelby’s visits to local industries and businesses:

  • The intro letter was approved with one change (highlighted).  See attached.

  • Changes were suggested for the Capital Needs summary. Additional cost information is also needed for the HVAC project and the Boiler Replacement project. Update TBD.

  • Wendy offered to design an informative brochure that Shelby can use on visits.

  • Marci will design a donation form. The Venmo payment option will be included.

  • Offers were made to accompany Shelby and to make appointments for her. She has 2 days free in February where she may be able to do these visits.

WEDC SAG Payment:

  • The village submitted the necessary forms for payment from WEDC.  

  • Wendy will check with Al Bannink on the status.

Parking Lot Pavement

  • Marci has the necessary measurements to determine the area & will contact Monarch.

Pickle Ball Court:

  • There is an inquiry from the community into the possibility of building a pickle ball court on CLACC grounds.

  • Grant money seems to be readily available for health-related programs.

  • Wendy mentioned that Community Education may be interested in the program also.

Next Grant Meeting will be Monday, February 3 at 3:30 in the CLACC Office.

CLACC Grant Meeting 

November 4, 2024

Present: Tim Wyss, Marci Meyer, Shelby Meyer, Wendy Schoggins, Lori DeBoer, Sue Anderson, Muriel Nelson

IRS Public Support Test

The Fred B. and Katherine C. Andersen Foundation recommended that CLACC consider having an IRS Public Support Test to ensure receipt of large grants will not jeopardize its non-profit status. Tim contacted a law firm in Hudson, recommended for its work with non-profit organizations, that stated a completing and reviewing Form 990A should be sufficient. Wendy located the form previously completed.  It has 2 years of data while 5 years was recommended. We should contact Overby Services for assistance. The 2 years of data indicate there is no issue, however.

HVAC System Grants

Marci has submitted a grant request to each Compeer and the St Croix Valley Foundation for $10,000 toward the HVAC system. She’s also working on a request to Hugh Andersen Foundation for $60,000 (due by Nov.15).

Thrift Shop Donation Center

Berghammer Builders evaluated the proposed greenhouse cement pad area for a donation center lean-to. They also consulted with an architect. Unfortunately, the lean-to concept is fraught with issues such that the idea is not feasible.

Thought was given to the paint shop that is adjacent to the thrift shop but currently rented by a tenant. Tim will talk with the tenant to see if he is willing to move to a different location.

The other possibility is building a free-standing building on the grounds but that concept has many drawbacks and is currently tabled.

Asbestos Abatement Project

There is a $113,000 invoice from ABS for their work thus far.  We need to get on the village board meeting agenda to initiate actions for requesting payment. Their next meeting is Nov. 12. Tim offered to contact Al Bannink to get onto the agenda.

Parking Lot/Monarch Company

Marci heard that Monarch Paving has supported other paving projects in the area. She will contact them and requests drawings and square footage of the area designated for repaving and parking lot expansion. Wendy offered to assist in measuring the area and also looking up Google Maps for an idea of the landscape involved.

Introduction Letter for Local Businesses

Muriel promises to get proposed information together by the next meeting…..PROMISE!

Next Meeting

The next meeting was not scheduled.  Muriel will send out an email asking if Dec 2 or Dec 9 are possible.

CLACC Grant Meeting

October 7, 2024

Present: Tim Wyss,  Marci Meyer, Shelby Meyer, Wendy Schoggins, Lori DeBoer Muriel Nelson

Grant Submission Status: 

  • The Fred B. and Katherine C Andersen Foundation (FBKCF) issued a $35,000 check; the grant was highlighted in the September edition of the Chronicle. Muriel is scheduling a teleconference with the foundation president, Kim Borton concerning any regulations that CLACC must follow so that we qualify for renewal in 2025 and 2026.

    • There is a potential that the furnaces originally quoted may not be available in the near future. There was a discussion of the pros and cons of purchasing them now when they may not be installed for another year, e.g. warranty issues.

  • Since there is significant work to accomplish before we can apply for a grant for the Donation Center, it was suggested we apply to the Hugh Andersen Foundation for the additional money needed for the HVAC upgrade.  Muriel will try to rewrite/adapt the wording from the FBKCF application to Hugh Andersen grant format and meet the submission deadline of Nov.15. Marci offered to assist.

  • Donation Center issues:

    • CLACC needs to contract with an architect for the donation center design in order to meet building permit requirements, etc.  Tim will consult with Bert Petersen to see if he has knowledge of someone.

    • Wendy & Tim have been working with building inspectors concerning requirements to build the structure.  They estimate building permits will cost $1860.

  • Asbestos abatement: WEDC-SAG 

    • The work in the boiler room seems to be complete.\

    • The crew accomplished the work  in the dining room, the boiler room and a few other minor areas.

    • Wendy confirmed that CLACC can submit 3 separate bills so the contractor will prepare a bill for the boiler room work within a few days.

    • The Village must approve the request at their board meeting the first Tuesday of the month & the request must submitted a week before the meeting.

    • Tim will consult with Bartingale about reinsulating pipes where asbestos wrappings were removed (who might do the work, projected cost, etc.).

  • Polk County Round-Up

    • Marci submitted a grant request for event center upgrades. (She was later informed that the submission was submitted too early for the January cycle and that they would hold it until then).

Other Grant Opportunities

  • Alcivia - Marci hasn’t had any return communication from Alcivia.

  • Monarch Paving -Marci is pursuing a lead for the potential of paving support from Monarch Paving Company.

Other business

  • Chronicle article: Marci will create an article for the Chronicle (October edition) that introduces Shelby as the Grant Committee’s “New Generation” while also highlighting CLACC’s need for money to upgrade the facility. Pertinent facts about CLACC will be included.

  • Audio System Donation:  Ray got the audio system donation of a gentleman near Eau Claire.

  • Donated Flooring tiles: Wendy is pursuing providing a receipt to the donor so that it can be used as documentation for the “non-monetary” donation. It was later verified that flooring isn’t  included in the SAG grant-approved  costs, so we need to find outer ways to fund the $38,480 which is our approximate 20% of the abatement costs.

Next meeting – Monday, November 4 at 3:30 pm, CLACC Office

CLACC Grant Meeting 

August 5, 2024

Present: Tim Wyss,  Marci Meyer, Shelby Meyer, Muriel Nelson

Current projects requiring funding:

  • HVAC Upgrade

    • The Fred C. & Katherine B. Andersen foundation indicated they would inform us if our submission was accepted by August 15. 

  • Donation Center for the thrift shop

    • Muriel continues to work on a submission to Hugh J. Andersen, due Aug. 15. It will be available as a shared document so that everyone can review & comment on it.

    • Contractors for the approximate 675 s.f. structure:

      • Tim hasn’t been able to contact Corey Hornick who has knowledge on the Amish builders.

      • Wendy found a possible contractor who would build an insulated structure on site for around $20,000.

    • Tim is also researching building permits & inspection requirements.

  • Event Center upgrades (stage, lighting & audio systems)

    • An individual from Mondovi will donate an audio system, similar to what CLACC has borrowed from Doug Cahow. The donor returns from vacation in early September. A friend of Ray will pick up the system then.

    • Dunn County Foundation for Stage Replacement - Shelby and Marci submitted a request to them by the Aug. 1 deadline. Meeting ADA requirements is important.  Tim will ask the company who provided the original bid to also provide costs for handicap needs (stair railing, ramp, etc.) The possibility of a lift was also discussed.

  • Garbage Disposal and other kitchen equipment – 

    • Marci will submit a request to Polk County Round-Up for $1,000 toward a commercial garbage disposal. She is planning to also submit one to Alcivia for $1,000 for the disposal. (Completed Aug 7)

    • Marci suggests Compeer would be an option for other needed kitchen equipment. Lori & Joan Lillie will be asked to  provide a list of needed items for the commercial kitchen, e.g. locked cabinets, better equipment, etc.

  • Roof Replacement – Phase II

    • Tim received a bid previously for $46,620 to replace the roof over the thrift shop. This needs to be done next year.

    • Muriel will look into creating a request to RCU for this project.

  • Gym Lobby window replacement 

    • The window situation was evaluated.  There are 12 small windows with 10 currently covered.  The assessment was that it wouldn’t be a huge job.

  • Marci suggested we may be able to get funding for senior activities.  Muriel will research how much would be needed for luncheons & game afternoon over a year’s time.

  • Projects not specifically discussed but still needing funding:

  • Back-up boiler

  • Parking lot resurfacing 

  • Tuckpoint work 

  • Elevator

Status -Other endeavors and issues

  • A letter was drafted for Shelby who is also Miss Clear Lake to deliver to local industries & businesses as a fundraising activity for CLACC. It will be signed by Tim. The letter will also be shared so committee members can comment.

  • Go Fund Me as a means to do fundraising – Discussion from previous meeting continued. If we decide to do this, board approval is needed.

  • Marci will set up a shared documents folder for grant submissions.  (Completed. See her email of August 7.)

  • Asbestos abatement project – Wendy, Tim & Muriel will have a planning meeting in preparation of the project. 

Next meeting – Wednesday, September 4 at 3:30 pm, CLACC Office

CLACC Grant Meeting

July 8, 2024

Present: Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Marci Meyer, Shelby Meyer, Muriel Nelson

New member:

 Welcome to Shelby Meyer, Miss Clear Lake, who has volunteered to help the community center, and specifically, the Grant Committee, with grant requests.

Current projects requiring funding:

 HVAC Upgrade

o A grant request was submitted to Fred C. & Katherine B. Andersen on June 29. The foundation

indicated they will decide on all requests within 6 weeks.

o Special thanks to all who reviewed and provided input.

o Joanne Jackson reviewed the submission also.

 Event Center upgrades (stage, lighting & audio systems)

o Dunn County Foundation for Audio System - Shelby and Marci will work on a submission that is due by Aug. 1. Their grants are usually in the $500-1,000 range. There was discussion about getting a system that was similar to the one that Doug Cahow loaned for the pageant. Since Wendy coordinated the audio bud, we need to get more information from her.

o Compeer – Marci will put together a request to Compeer for the stage, stressing community-

based use, the need for a handicap-accessible stage (railings on steps, etc.) and providing

activities for both youth and seniors.

 Donation Center for the thrift shop

o Muriel is working on a submission to Hugh J. Andersen, due Aug. 15.

o Contractors for the approximate 675 sf structure:

 Two ideas for building the structure were presented. One is to buy a pre-fab. Ray has a

contact and will try to get more information from him. The second suggestion is to have

Amish build the structure. Tim will contact Corey Hornick who has knowledge of this


 Dennis Eckwall remains a possibility.

 Projects not specifically discussed but still needing funding:

 Roof replacement – Phase II

 Parking lot resurfacing

 Tuckpoint work

 Gym Lobby window replacement

 Elevator

Status -Other endeavors and issues

 Muriel shared a list of CLACC’s 5 year projected capital needs-$764,481 excluding the elevator;

$151,000 raised to date from grants and donations.

 There was a discussion on what other ways money can be raised:

o Go Fund Me – This has been used by other organizations.

o Enlist Shelby, our celebrity, to visit community businesses and provide information both by

letter (signed by Tim) and meeting key people. Muriel will start a draft letter for the

committee to critique while the idea develops further.

o Marci will give thought for submitting another application to Operation Round-Up.

Next Meeting

Monday, August 5, 3:30 PM, CLACC Office

Clear Lake Area Community Center Capital Needs - Five Year Projection



Costs ($)

Total Cost ($)

Grant Receipt Amt. ($)

Fire Suppression System

Required for commercial kitchen classification







Convection Oven

Replacement – commercial kitchen

Purchase (Used)





(Donation) 2,000

Commercial Garbage Disposal

Replacement – commercial kitchen

Purchase & Installation



Asbestos Abatement

Remove asbestos from old boiler room

Asbestos removal/abatement







Replace heating system in gymnasium wing; add air conditioning. Increase energy efficiency

Replace heating system

Install AC

Upgrade electrical, incl. panel (req.)



 (est) 20,000


(Submitted to Fred C.& Katherine B. Andersen  6/29)


Roof Replacement -

Phase I

Replace roof area-over 30 yrs. old; many leaks identified.




Roof Replacement – Phase II

Replace roof over thrift store area. Several leaks identified despite regular maintenance




Thrift Shop Donation Center

Build approx. 1600 sf donation center for 24/7 donor access; accommodate increasing donations

Construction and outfitting (electric, heat, shelving, etc.)

(est.) 50,000


Event Stage Upgrade for expanded community use

Replace old stage, acquire audio and lighting systems

Stage replacement

Audio system

Lighting system





Parking Lot Upgrade

Repair and expand existing lot to accommodate increased usage






Gym Lobby Window Replacement

Install energy-efficient windows; uncover boarded-up windows

Purchase & installation



Tuckpoint-repoint brick building exterior

Repair & maintain mortar of building facade

Continuation of multi-year endeavor



                                                                                                                                                                                            Total -$ 764,481

CLACC Grant Meeting

June 3, 2024

Asbestos abatement grant

 The contract has been signed as required.

 Muriel would like to discuss how receiving this grant can be used to leverage future grant requests at a

future meeting.

Current projects requiring funding:

 Roof replacements

o CLACC is proceeding with re-roofing the original brick building despite lack of grant funding.

o Other roof areas need replacement in the next year or so; this project stays on the grant list.

 HVAC Upgrade

o Muriel is drafting a grant submission to Fred C. & Katherine B. Andersen (due by June 30).

o Members are asked to critique the draft when it becomes available.

 Donation Center for the thrift shop

o Tim is working on a bid from Dennis Eckwall.

o Muriel will write a letter of inquiry to Hugh J. Andersen to start the submission process.

o The board voted to apply thrift shop income toward a new donation center.

 Event Center upgrades (stage, lighting & audio systems)

o Muriel will contact Marci to get her help on applying to T-Mobile again.

 Parking lot resurfacing -no discussion

 Elevator – no discussion

 Tuckpoint work – no discussion

 Gym Lobby Window Replacement – would this be a good fit for Compeer?

Status -Other endeavors and issues

 Kitchen plumbing – the tape installed several weeks ago is still working. No decision about future


 Convection oven

o A used convection oven was purchased after a careful inspection of the appliance.

o CLACC has received a donation to cover the purchase and some of the installation costs.

o Installation is TBD

 Garbage disposal – no update

 Board approval – non-monetary donations

o The board approved nonmonetary donations as discussed at the previous meeting. Suggested

wording that should be used:

 ‘…If you are able to donate to the community center, please consider these options:

monetary contributions; grants, including employee giving programs; major gifts such

as vehicles, real estate, fine art, or stocks and bonds, and much more. Your

donations are tax deductible and will make all the difference in preserving our historic

community center.’

 Tim forwarded copies of earlier grant submissions to Joanne Jackson (SAG and AARP). He plans to

also forward F&K Andersen (HVAC) and T-Mobile (Event Center) for her critique.

Next Meeting

Monday, July 8, 3:30 PM, CLACC Office

CLACC Grant Meeting 

May 6, 2024

Present – Tim Wyss, Wendy Schoggins, Lori DeBoer, Muriel Nelson

Asbestos abatement grant request

 A meeting was held with WEDC personnel, Al Bannink, Tim, Wendy, and Muriel in mid-April to discuss the contract that requires Village Board approval.  Tim or Wendy will verify that Al has signed it.

  • ABS has been advised of the progress.  Joe plans to begin work in fall.

  • Per the contract with WEDC-SAG, the work must be completed by June 30, 2025

  • An article, drafted for the Chronicle’s May edition was distributed for review. 

  • Members were asked to review it & get comments back to Muriel by noon, May 8.

  • Wording regarding non-monetary donations was discussed. Tim will email board members to ensure they have knowledge and agree to wording similar to what was used in the Insider for the roofing project:

  • "The call to action is clear: it is time for us ALL to unite in support of our community center's renovation. Fundraising efforts have already begun, through community events donations, and through grants. If you are able to donate to the community center, please consider these options: monetary contributions; grants, including employee giving programs; major gifts such as vehicles, real estate, fine art, or stocks and bonds, and much more. Your donations are tax deductible and will make all the difference in preserving our historic community center.”

Current projects requiring funding:

  • Roof replacements

  • HVAC Upgrade

  • Donation Center for the thrift shop

  • The bid in hand is from a contractor who is no longer in business.

  • Tim will request a bid from Dennis Eckwall

  • Event Center upgrades (stage, lighting & audio systems)

  • Parking lot resurfacing

  • Elevator

  • Tuckpoint work

New projects recently added and needing funding:

  • Gym Lobby Window Replacement

  • Kitchen plumbing (a “fix” was installed. This may be temporary or a 5 yr. remedy)

  • Convection oven 

  • It may be repairable. The original installation may be the problem. If repaired, gas line work would be needed. More research is needed.

  • If a new one is the resolution, all previously owned ones would be inspected prior to purchase.

  • Word of caution – keep age of this unit in mind when making a decision.

Fundraising – Muriel

  • Muriel suggested an idea of asking CLHS students (1997 classes and earlier) for money for the many projects

  • Known class leads would be contacted with information about the fundraising and also provided information to pass on to their classmates. If other materials are requested, e.g., donation envelopes, that would be provided.

  • Several classes are having reunions this summer, so the information needs to be sent out soon. However, all classes with known class leads will be contacted.

  • Muriel will draft a flyer & circulate to committee members for comment.

  • Question – should/can recognition of highest giving classes be recognized. If so, how?

  • The system for acknowledging donations may need additional support


  • Tim and Lori –Consortium meeting on fundraising & grants 

  • They reported 2 important takeaways:

  • Make a connection/working relationship with the grantor.

  • When you have a fundraising event, do it right because you get but one chance. (this point needs adherence should CLACC have an event for local industry).

  •  Previous grant applications submitted to Joanne Jackson for review

  • Tim sent the SAG and AARP applications to Joanne. He will follow up with her and invite her to the next meeting.

  • Granting organizations/foundations:

  • Compeer – Muriel

  • Neither the pipe repair for the kitchen leak (a repair) nor the donation center (not used by the public) would qualify.

  • The Event Center upgrade continues to appear a good fit for a general grant. 

  • Application period Nov. 1-Dec. 4; max donation is $10,000.

  • RCU – Lori

  • CLACC would qualify as RCU covers this area (some members live here). 

  • CLACC doesn’t have to join RCU

  • Applications must be very specific, show how community is helped. 

  • Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation – Lori

  • Even though their website discourages new applicants, they do accept submissions.

  • Muriel will initiate the submission for the  HVAC

  • Tim will send Muriel the current bid from Countryside

  • Hugh J Andersen Foundation

  • Muriel will prepare a letter of inquiry, due by June 15.

  • Dunn County Foundation – Muriel

  • Liz at the foundation office, when contacted, was familiar with our recent application.  She suggests that we must stress even more how Dunn County residents will benefit from the program for which we apply.


  • Muriel reviewed the “regrets” letter that Marci received in March for the Event Center application.

  • The next quarterly deadline is June 30. ($50,000)

  • T=Mobile states that ‘….Strong applications actively involve local organizations by incorporating them into the planning….’.

  • How can we involve the local beneficiaries in the process (community theater, CanDance, ballet, maybe gymnastics) to make our submission even stronger? Or do we need to do something else?

Other business

Question was asked again if Nilssen’s has a Round-Up Program.  Lori was asked to check.

Next Meeting

Monday, June 3, 3:30 PM, CLACC Office


CLACC Grant Meeting Summary

April 2, 2024

PRESENT: Tim Wyss, Wendy Schoggins, Lori DeBoer, Ray Cress, Muriel Nelson


Current projects include:

  • Roof replacement

  • HVAC upgrade

  • Asbestos removal & subsequent repairs

  • Donation Center for the thrift shop

  • Event Center stage, audio & lighting upgrades

  • Parking lot resurfacing

  • Elevator

  • Tuckpoint work

We reviewed our unsuccessful grant requests plus potentials listed in GrantStation to help determine our next actions:

Compeer- We’ve not been able to find a good fit to their preferences. However, their ‘Quality of Life’ for rural areas should be an interest we could pursue. Suggest Marci contact them again when she’s available. 

T-Mobile- Next deadline is 6/30. Reapply for the event enter.  Again, stress the positive impact on community youth for not only plays but also both ballet and dance studio performances.

Dunn County Foundation-Reach out to the grant office to  verify that they will continue to consider CLACC.  Their website is Dunn County-focused, so do they seriously consider CLACC as supporting their citizens? We need to inquire.

AARP – Next deadline TBD, but probably in October. Consider reapplying with Virginia & Doug as the featured volunteers. Once again, apply for civic engagement and community development which would closely align with the Event Center project. Next step – watch for announcements for next submission date.

Otto Bremmer Foundation – Per the foundation’s rules, we need to wait one year before applying again.

Potential new Grant options:

Royal Credit Union(RCU) – Has a history of capital project donations.  Lori will ask her contact/resource in Star Prairie on who they have successfully worked with at RCU. The HVAC project might be one to consider for this grantor.  Question was asked if CLACC should obtain membership with RCU as a means to initiate RCU’s interest in CLACC.

WESTconsin Credit Union – It was learned that they don’t have  any grant programs. 

Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation – Next deadline is June 30.  Either the HVAC or Donation Center seem like potential candidates for an application there.

Andersen Foundation – Accepts applications Aug. 1 through 31 for $5,000-50,000. They consider capital & program/project support.  Suggestion – Apply for the donation center and initiate work on the application now.

Bernick – Provides grants of $5,000-40,000 for capital projects in support of youth and education. (Their website shows their interest in funding park & outdoor sites for youth)

Wells Fargo Philanthropic Services – This is a bundling of over 200 organizations & foundations that provide grants for many different needs.  Next step – letter of inquiry.

Pachel Foundation – Provide grants of $1,000-19,000. Deadline is 9/30. They support building funds & equipment. The Event Center would be the better fit.

St. Croix Valley Foundation – Provides matching grants of $250-5000. No other information except to ‘Check back in fall of ‘2024’.

DAR – Requires letter of sponsorship from DAR chapter or state society. Deadline for May 2025 decision is Aug. 1 through Oct. 31 submission. High interest in preserving historic buildings. Grants up to $10,000.

Other places to investigate include Nilssen’s Round-Up program & Walmart.

Tim suggested that previous submissions be provided to Joanne Jackson for her  input on how we might improve our grant applications. (Subsequent to the meeting, the SAG and AARP applications were submitted for her review).

Other Business:

National Historical Registration Update – Lori

  • Lori needs historical pictures of the building.

  • Once the application moves to the next phase, there will be lots of work for everyone.

Kitchen Updates – Lori

  • Lori met with the plumber who was emphatic that the garbage disposal should be replaced  or else get a new sink which would be equally, or more, expensive. 

  • His quote for a new disposal is $2300. 

Next meeting – Monday, May 6 at 3:30 in the CLACC Office


CLACC Grant Meeting Summary

March 6, 2024

PRESENT: Tim Wyss, Wendy Schoggins, Lori DeBoer, Ray Cress, Muriel Nelson


Grant Submission Status:

  • AARP Purpose Prize Application (New submission)– Wendy reported that she had terrific help from community members to complete and proofread the application.

  • Asbestos Abatement – SAG – We were notified on Feb. 27 that the grant was accepted but still needs contract approval.  That should occur by April 15 or before. An article will be prepared for the chronicle once the contract is signed.

  • Compeer – Someone quoted $2300 to replace the garbage disposal. Lori will contact Shawn Monson to confirm. It was questioned if the disposal is really needed, that is, if it’s only used a couple times/year.  However, CLACC just passed the commercial annual inspection and the inspector reminded Tim that there are few places offering such facilities.  He indicated he will promote this commercial kitchen. This could change the need for the garbage disposal.  Also, the kitchen floor should be replaced.  Marci will be advised of these needs to see if she can make a new grant request to Compeer.

  • T-Mobile Hometown Grant Program for Event Center Upgrade – No update (Marci was later advised that our grant submission was declined).

  • Community Foundation of Dunn County -  $5,000 for sound system  - No update

  • Otto Bremmer Foundation for Old School Thrift Shop Donation Center – The foundation declined the grant request.

Cupid’s Carnival Fundraiser – Wendy reported that it was extremely successful with about 400 people in attendance. Center tenants and local businesses joined together under Candace Kuhl’s leadership and Lori’s and Wendy’s assistance for the event. About $3,500 was raised.

National Historical Registration Update – Lori indicated that the initial application will be submitted within a week or two. Once/if accepted, the real work begins and when she will enlist our help.

Kitchen Update – Lori and Joan will soon go through the kitchen to identify supply needs. The dishwasher should be evaluated, preferably by someone who sells/works on commercial dishwashers.

Grant Opportunities for HVAC, roof replacement and other capital expenditures. Suggestions:

  • Seek grants from:

  • Bernick

  • Pachel

  • Anderson Foundation

  • Westconsin (Sherry Overby) – Lori offered to make the initial contact.

  • Contact local businesses (Oxbo, AFP, etc.). Ideas for presentation include:

  • The history of CLACC.

  • The value of CLACC to their company (community strength).

  • Services provided by CLACC to their company’s employees.

  • Wendy indicated she as contacts for these businesses.

  • Wendy recommended CLACC develop a 5-year plan.


  • We have two bids for the roofing project and a quote for the HVAC.

  • There are also quotes for both the Old School Thrift Shop Donation Center and the parking lot improvement projects which should help when writing grant requests.

  • To research for more grant options, go to


PW: OldSchool01

Next Meeting – Wednesday, April 3, 3:30 pm


CLACC Grant Meting Summary

February 7, 2024

Present: Tim Wyss, Wendy Schoggins, Marci Meyer, Sue Anderson, Lori DeBoer, Ray Cress, Muriel Nelson


Receipt of Polk-Burnett Operation Round-Up Grant of $1,000 

  • CLACC received a $1,000 check from Polk-Burnett on Jan. 17. Many thanks to Marci for submitting the request and monitoring its status.

  • Muriel will draft an article for the upcoming chronicle and route to committee members for comment by week’s end. (Update: the article was submitted for the Feb. edition)

Grant Submission Updates:

  • Compeer ($5,000 for fire suppression system): Compeer declined the submission because the system has been installed. If gas and electricity hook-up can be delayed until another submission is made, Compeer may cover that cost.  Marci needs bids from the contractors to do so. Tim will work on getting the bids.

  • T-Mobile ($50,000 toward Event Center Stage & systems):  Decision expected in February-March timeframe.

  • Otto Bremmer Foundation ($50,000 toward Old School Thrit Shop Donation Center). 

  • Update – Marci was notified on February 12 that our application was declined.

  • Community Foundation of Dunn County ($5,000 for Event Center sound system): Decision expected in Feb.-March timeframe.

  • SAG  ($148,000 toward Asbestos Abatement) Decision expected by March 15.

Project Research Status:

  • HVAC Upgrade

  • Hugh J. Anderson was considered as a potential organization for a grant submission of $150,000.

  • Tim will ask Countryside for an updated bid to support a grant request.

  • Roof Replacement

  • Tim has a bid of $97,805 from Paul’s Sheet Metal for the third floor roof. He is meeting with another contractor this week for a second bid.  

  • Paul’s also gave a bid of $44,938 for the roof above the thrift shop where replacement will be needed in the next couple of years.

  • Parking Lot Improvements: No update.

  • Elevator: Wendy researched two potential grant sources:

  • Reeve Foundation who will cover the cost of equipment but not installation.

  • NTCIC who covers construction projects.

  • It was suggested that installing an elevator on the outside of the building could nullify historical registration.

  • Other: 

  • Possible grant options:

  • Xcel Energy is by invitation only. No one knew of any possible contacts for an invitation other than possibly Steve Engebretson.

  • Pioneer -  Lori indicated that Tim Prusak may be a contact for this company.

  • Carnival Glass Foundation – Chuck Clark’s son recently retired as an executive.  

  • GrantStation: It was recommended to Tim who, as Board President, agreed to purchase a subscription to GrantStation ($99). Wendy will set it up so that committee members can access the software to identify potential grant sources for CLACC.

Kitchen Committee Update: Lori

  • Lori met with Kristina from Out of the Woods Goods

  • Areas of concern include:

  • The dishwasher: Board members continue to look for someone to check it

  • The disposal: The board approved purchasing a new commercial unit. It will require a plumber to install it.

  • Access to cleaning supplies

  • Suggestions include:

  • Purchase a Kitchen-Aid or similar stand mixer.

  • Clean out the dry storage area and rent out the space.

  • Offer linen services at a fee.

  • Go through the kitchen to identify other needed equipment and supplies. Lori plans to do this. Joan Lillie may be a helpful resource.

  • Lori will be attending an April 8 class on safe handling of food and offered by the county.

Cupid’s Carnival Fundraiser for CLACC: Wendy

  • Candace Kuhl, tenant and owner of CanDance, is coordinating the event on Feb. 18, 1-5 pm.

  • Activities for all ages are planned. Some are:

  • Music by The Pitt Crew

  • Bingo with 100% pay-out

  • Raffle (using license from the American Legion)

  • Bouncy House

  • Gift baskets from local businesses to be auctioned

  • Carnival games sponsored by local businesses and tenants

  • Ticket sales for games and food (Brickfire pizza, Kate’s Coffee Koop)

  • Raising the Bar will provide beer and wine.

  • Help is needed for set-up, perhaps even at the event.  Contact Candace Kuhl if you can help.

The next Grant Meeting will be Wednesday, March 6, 3:30 pm in the CLACC Office.


CLACC Grant Meting Summary

January 8, 2024

Present: Tim Wyss, Wendy Schoggins, Marci Meyer, Muriel Nelson


Grant Submission Updates:

Fire Suppression System – 

  • Waiting to hear from Polk-Burnett (sometime later this month). 

  • Post meeting update – CLACC received $1,000 check on Jan. 17

  • Marci will contact Compeer for an update.

  • System is installed and awaiting hook-up; the plumber will have time in February.

Event Stage Request-

  • No update. T-Mobile has yet to respond.

Old Thrift Shop Donation Center request to Otto Bremmer Foundation

  • Response should come around March 20.

Asbestos Abatement -  WEDC SAG Request

  • CLACC has access to the SAG portal to complete the application online. 

  • The application must be submitted no later than March 31, but we should complete it sooner than that to coordinate with the abatement company’s potential availability.

  • Post meeting update – The grant request was submitted Jan. 21. The SAG account manager responded and requested some changes; these changes are underway.

Other – 

  • The Community Foundation of Dunn County has a grant program.  Since the center serves some people from that county, Marci will complete an application for either the lighting or audio system for the stage. It’s due by Feb. 1.

Project Research Status:


  • Discussion was centered on the level of coordination needed with the asbestos abatement project. 

Roof Replacement – 

  • Two firms have been approached to provide bids.  They are Fischer and Paul’s Sheet Metal

  • Waiting for their bids.

Open Discussion regarding Grantors for “Brick & Mortar” projects as they are challenging to find.

  • A review of previous grants shows that the Anderson Foundation approved a grant of $7500 for roof repair in 2015 and denied another in 2020 for $22,000.

  • Would Westconsin be a potential grantor for the HVAC project ?

  • Marci will ask other grantors when talking with them if they have any recommendations.

Status – National Historical Registration

  • Lori has contacted the state historical society and is waiting for their response. 

Fund Raising – The Cupid Carnival

  • The carnival is being organized by Candace Kuhl, the tenant and owner of “CanDance Studio”.

  • Scheduled for Sunday afternoon, Feb. 18, 1-5 pm in the Event Center

  • Activities are planned for all ages:

  • Live music by Pitt Crew.

  • Bingo, raffles, bouncy house, door prizes, some businesses will provide games, etc.

  • Brickfire Pizza and drinks.

  • Marci suggested ways to gather interest prior to the event (sell tickets in advance, give 1 free ticket in advance to get people to the event where they buy more, etc.).

  • Obtain more information at the CLACC Facebook page 

Next meeting – February 7, 3:30 pm in the CLACC Office.


CLACC Grant Committee Notes

(In lieu of December 11, 2023 meeting)

Updates are summarized below:

Status of grant submissions and projects:

Tim - the Fire Suppression System  is on track for installation soon.

Marci – Grant submissions

  • Request to Otto Bremer for the Old Thrift Shop Donation Center- submitted Nov. 30.

  • Should hear back soon regarding the T-Mobile request (for stage, audio & lighting systems).

  • The Operation Round Up/Polk Burnett grant for the fire suppression system – should hear in January. 

  • (Previously reported) Grant submission for $5,000 to Compeer for fire suppression system completed Nov. 19.

  • Marci continues to look for grant opportunities and will update the group as needed.

Muriel – SAG grant request for asbestos abatement project.

  • Ray French hosted a teleconference on Dec. 14 with Al Bannink-village treasurer, Tim, Wendy & Muriel to advance our request to the next phase. The village holds responsibility to complete the formal application; it will include the project narrative and budget analysis that were previously submitted to Ray for review. Al has scheduled the week of Jan. 8 to work on the application. Muriel will gain access to the application in advance and complete those areas where CLACC input is required. 

  • While the submission deadline is March 31, it would be in our best interests to submit the application prior to that.

Other business:

  • Marci suggests we submit an article to the paper as soon as we obtain a grant. She also suggested a letter to businesses by year’s end asking for support but we’re too late for that this year.

  • Lori has updates regarding the kitchen after talking with Out of the Woods Goods:

  • ‘The handwashing station needs to be updated with a better paper towel holder and a hanging soap dispenser. I have purchased these items and they are in the kitchen. Warren has not had an opportunity to get them up. I will be asking our 4-H club to donate these items; if they do not, Warren and I will. The other big item is a working dishwasher. I am not 100% sure of the status of the dishwasher but this will need to be repaired.’

  • Lori also offered to research after Christmas what’s needed to get the community center onto the National Registry of Historical Places.

  • Members of the board who attended the last board meeting support the idea. 

Finally, from Tim (and I concur whole-heartedly!):

“This group has done a phenomenal job of pursuing grants and getting quotes and keeping the needs of the Center in focus.  My sincere thanks to each of you.” 

Next Meeting – January 8 at 3:30 P.M.


October 19, 2023

Present: Tim Wyss, Marci Meyer, Wendy Schoggins, Sue Anderson, Muriel Nelson

Project Updates:

HVAC System – Replacement

  • Tim reported that the current system is already malfunctioning. He’ll contact Joe Mara for guidance.

  • Replacement may be made a higher priority and hence, grant monies because of not only the operating problems but also the HVAC system connection to asbestos abatement.

  • There was discussion but no solid ideas on what organization to contact for grant monies.

Asbestos Abatement Project (High Priority)

  • The September 5 Clear Lake Village Board Meeting minutes reflect the village decision to work with CLACC on accepting and transferring any grant money received from SAG. Muriel will obtain a copy to attach to the grant request.

  • Muriel set Nov. 1 as the deadline to submit the grant request to SAG. People are urged to review the documents; Muriel will email the links to the two documents.

  • Tim and Mark Rundquist have determined the mechanical work required so that Asbestos Removal Services can proceed with their work in the boiler room. (The stack above the boiler must be anchored into the ceiling prior to demolition).

Fire Suppression System

  • Marci has submitted 3 grant requests for the system. We should hear from 2 of the organizations once their submission deadlines occur in early December.

  • A tenant, Out of the Woods Goods, has offered to ask their contact for a bid. We appreciate that offer. Also, they will be invited to attend the next board meeting to explain their needs.

Event Center Stage System (Movable Stage, Audio & Lighting Upgrades)

  • Marci is waiting for one additional letter of community support so that she can submit a grant request to T-Mobile Hometown.  Tim offered to work with Heidi Paulson for her letter as it related to the Community Theater, an important renter.

  • Discussion followed regarding the importance of an improved stage system. This includes the school’s desire to hold performances in the Event Center and the fact that systems are non-functional.

Old Thrift Store Donation Center

  • No grant submission(s) have yet been made. It was suggested that we (perhaps, Marci) research potential options in the many Anderson-related philanthropic organizations.

Roof Replacement

  • Tim is waiting for a quote from the roofing company. He has no other information to report.

Because of time issues, other projects Parking Lot Improvement, Elevator) were not discussed.

The next meeting will be on Monday, November 13 at 3:30 in the CLACC Office.


CLACC Grant Meeting

September 11, 2023

Present: Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Marci Meyer, Wendy Schoggins, Lori DeBoer, Muriel Nelson

Project Updates:

Asbestos Abatement Project (high priority):

  • Tim, Ray, Wendy & Muriel met with Ray French, WEDC/SAG, via Zoom on Aug. 29. Ray provided guidance on the application process and timeline expectations. He forwarded application forms that must be completed.

  • The same CLACC members plus Mark Rundquist took a walk-through of the ground floor with Joe Adar of Asbestos Removal Systems on Sept. 7. The Periodic Surveillance Report from 1993 was used as a guide. Joe took several samples from pipe lagging insulation, ceiling tile and floor tile to determine their asbestos content. Results from this testing will determine whether additional asbestos removal should be added to the project and grant request.

    • 9/18 Update – Joe Adar reported back that there is no asbestos in the ceiling tile or its adhesive. Estimates on remaining work due by end of month.)

  • Muriel will write a draft of the “Project Narrative”. It will be posted so that everyone can review & comment. Once reviewed and accepted, the narrative needs to go to Ray French for his vetting.

    • 9/19 Update: The Project Narrative is posted for everyone’s review)

  • Muriel will also work on the SAG Worksheet/Budget as information becomes available. That will eventually be posted for review too.

HVAC Replacement:

  • If this project could be moved ahead of (or along with) asbestos removal, some “redo work” could be avoided.

  • Marci was asked to look for potential grant options.

Roof Replacement:

  • The contractor indicated that the earliest he could come to determine a bid is sometime next month.

Fire Suppression System:

  • Tim received a quote from Summit Systems in Eau Claire for $4275.

  • Marci is going to make a grant request to Polk-Burnett’s Operation Round-Up grant fund for an additional $1000 (in addition to the $2500 requested from another source).

  • Update – Compeer (formerly AgStar) suggested to Marci that this project fits better into their “General Use Program” that has a limit of $10,000. She’s going to ask for the full amount from them. Nice, huh!

  • Update - Polk Round-Up reported that this qualifies for their grant funding too. They also offered to share our information with other area grantors who give to nonprofit organizations. Also very nice!

Event Stage, including lighting and audio:

  • Marci is developing a grant request to T-Mobile’s Hometown Grant Program (; their maximum is $50,000. The next available window for applying starts Oct. 1.

  • T-Mobile requires five letters from the local community that support CLACC’s request. Potential people to request such a letter includes:

    • Chris Petersen – School District (Update: He has agreed)

    • Heidi Paulson -Community Theater

    • John Koeper – Lions Club and CLACC supporter

    • Lori DeBoer – 4-H Club

    • Wendy Schoggins – Civic and Commerce Association (Update: Letter completed)

  • Tim will ask these people to write a letter of support. Marci will draft a letter for Tiim and Wendy will facilitate the distribution.

Parking Lot and Old Thrift Shop Donation Center:

  • Discussion held for a future meeting.

The group reviewed and provided suggestions for the very rough draft of the SAG Project Narrative prior to meeting adjournment.

Next Meeting – Thursday, October 12 at 3:30


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