Clear Lake Area Community Center
Board Meeting – May 24, 2023
Board Members Present: Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Virginia Cahow, Muriel Nelson, Sue Anderson, Wendy Schoggins.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tim Wyss at 9:30 AM
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tim
Secretary’s Report: April 20, 2023 Meeting Minutes - Accepted as submitted
Treasurer’s Report: Virginia Cahow: Accepted as submitted for review.
Report Highlights:
New office chairs recently purchased are reflected in Office Supplies expenditures.
Insurance – Virginia is looking for ways to save on insurance premiums. Some companies give a reduction for paying premiums on an annual basis compared to monthly.
Several questions were raised regarding the spreadsheet provided for the meeting. Wendy and Virginia will work on a handout that is more easily understood.
Virginia is also researching investment options for a portion of the money currently in the checking account. She will invite Eric of Edward Jones to the next board meeting to present some possibilities.
Office Management – Wendy Schoggins
A plan is under development to rearrange the furniture in the office to make areas for reception, office activities and meeting space.
Wendy is working on a spreadsheet for contracts.
Old School Thrift Shop – Sue Anderson
The sign, originally made by Steve Kearney, needs to be repaired, or if that’s not possible, then replaced. Sue will contact Steve for his opinion/ideas.
Someone who lives near Lake Magnor has offered a sofa to the thrift shop, provided the community center moves it. Tim and Wendy volunteered to work with Phyllis Johnson to make that happen.
Standing Committee Reports:
Building and Maintenance – Tim
The work done on Service Day resulted in a much improved appearance of the grounds. Many thanks to those involved in this activity.
Tim will contact the tuck point contractor to set up this year’s maintenance work.
Decorating – Wendy
A mini-frig has been ordered for the office.
Shelving is needed in the compressor room. Additionally, it was recommended that a baby-changing area be set up in one of the restrooms.
Base molding for the second floor hallway is still needed. Wendy received a bid of $2.50/linear ft. Ray offered to measure the hallway to determine how much molding is needed so that someone can do comparative shopping.
Program Development – Wendy
There was a discussion, but no conclusion, on the definition of Program Development relative to other standing committees.
Short-term rental agreement requires updating to include:
Deposit for the key and the light remote.
Provision of hourly rate of $30.00 on Monday through Wednesday.
Clarification of placing garbage in the dumpster provided.
Motion made by Ray & seconded by Virginia to make the changes. Motion passed.
Executive Finance – No additional information to report
Grants – Muriel Nelson
The committee continues to gather information on project scope and cost of the different projects as well as potential grantors. They hope to start drafting grant requests following the June meeting.
Development / Public Relations – See unfinished business.
Membership / Nominations – No report
Unfinished business:
Standing Committee Structure –
It was agreed to change the responsibility of certain standing committees:
Public Relations-Change to Wendy Schoggins
Motion made by Wendy; seconded by Sue. Motion carried.
Building and Maintenance – Change to Ray Cress and Doug Cahow
Motion made by Wendy; seconded by Sue. Motion carried.
New Business:
Brat Stand - Virginia
Volunteers are needed to staff the brat stand on June 1 & 2. Shifts will be 10-1, 1-4 and 4 -6 followed by clean-up.
Tenant Issue – Ray
A tenant recently reported that someone had entered his suite when he was not there; there was minimal vandalism. When looking into the incident, it was realized the tenant doesn’t lock his suite door. Ray offered to meet with the tenant and stress the importance of securing his suite and of maintaining adequate insurance.
ADRC (Aging and Disability Resource Center) – Meal Program for Seniors
Tim and Muriel met with Polk County ADRC Supervisor Sabrina Naglosky about CLACC sponsoring a meals program locally. She was supportive of the idea and provided essential information and suggestions:
Enlist volunteers to register participants & receive payment, handle and/or serve the food, set-up, clean-up, and complete required paperwork. This level of volunteers requires strong community support. She suggested we solicit interest and volunteers from local churches and service organizations.
Begin local program with “congregate” or sit-down meals as this is more readily funded. Schedule these “pop-up” meals monthly April through October.
Food would be prepared centrally and delivered to CLACC. The central kitchen is currently unable to take on additional meal preparation, however.
Tim enlisted Dan Pearson’s help in getting the opinion of the ministerial group.
Adjournment: Motion made by Sue and seconded by Wendy to adjourn. Motion carried at 11:00 AM.
Next CLACC Board Meeting- Thursday, June 29, 9:30 a.m.
