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May Board Meeting

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Clear Lake Area Community Center Board Meeting

May 23, 2024

Present: Board Members - Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Muriel Nelson, Wendy Schoggins, Sue Anderson; Advisory Board member: Lori DeBoer. 

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tim Wyss at 9:30 am in the Center office.

Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tim.

Secretary’s Reports: The minutes of the March 28 Board Meeting were accepted.  The minutes of the April 25 meeting were accepted once one correction was made.

Treasurer’s Report – Wendy Schoggins for Virginia Cahow

Note-explanations of income and expenses are provided next to the April column on the written report.


  • Rental receipts -one tenant is behind in rental payments. Wendy continues to work with the tenant.


  • The initial payment for the roof replacement was made from operating funds and will be reflected in next month’s report.


  • The remainder of the roofing replacement needs to be made from reserves. Wendy, Virginia, (if she is available) and Muriel will meet with Eric at Edward Jones to determine how we should proceed. 

Office Management Report – Wendy Schoggins

  • 5-Year Plan – Lori and Wendy are looking for the previous strategic plan as part of the research for a new 5-year plan.  Wendy noted that there is a good starting point in the AARP grant submission also. Wendy recommended the plan be postponed for now because of all the other priorities facing board members.

Old School Thrift Store – Sue Anderson

  • Following discussion, a motion was made by Muriel and seconded by Lori that all income from the thrift shop be set aside for the cost of the new donation center, starting with the May sales.  Motion passed.

  • Tim reached out to Dennis Eckwall for a bid on the proposed structure since the original bidder is no longer in business. Other builders may also be considered.

Standing Committees:Building and Maintenance:

Convection Oven - Tim and Wendy

  • The current convection oven is old and replacement parts to resolve the gas leak seem to be unavailable.

  • A used convection oven from an online auction was inspected by Wendy’s brother-in-law and determined to be in good condition. This will be purchased, thanks to a donation to cover the purchase cost and installation.

Roof Replacement – Tim

  • The date for replacement is moved to June 3.

  • The parking lot to Door 1 will not be available except to roofing contractors during this work.

Weather-stripping doors- No update

Kitchen drain- Tim

  • A similar leak occurred several years ago in the same area of the drain line.

  • To investigate the current problem, the drain was cleaned out by a commercial company. Mark Rundquist and Tim located a roughly 2 ft. long split in the drainpipe causing the overflow when the drain was plugged.

  • Flex tape was used to seal the crack; the kitchen drains can be used until a decision is made.

  • Among the options to resolve:

  • Hire the plumber to replace the cracked pipe.  This requires temporary removal of heating duct located under the pipe. Estimated cost is $8,000 or more. After that, replace the sheetrock.

  • Ensure the flex tape is secure; replace the sheetrock and wait for a future leak.

  • A question was raised about the garbage disposal. Would a new disposal/no large items going down the drain make a difference in the time between having plugged drains?

Boiler -Tim

  • Bartingale started the summer maintenance on the boiler on May 22. They will test the system when the maintenance is complete.

SAG Grant – Asbestos Removal – Tim

  • The village board signed the contract in early May.

  • The contractor has been informed. He will be ready to work on project in late summer-early fall.

Program Development

Senior Luncheons – Muriel Nelson

  • Spring Luncheon – April 18

  • The luncheon was well attended. Again, the volunteer support was wonderful.

  • Dessert was provided by St. John’s Catholic

  • Senior Grill Out (and Eat In) – June 11

  • Plans are underway. Warren DeBoer is our grill master and Joan will be in charge of condiments, side dishes and dessert.  

  • Posters are up in local businesses and at senior housing.

  • Future Senior Luncheons

  • August 22, October 24 and December 5 are suggested as luncheon dates for the remainder of 2024.

Bingo – Muriel

  • Karen Pederson has volunteered to manage Bingo Day.

  • Bingo will be held the second Tuesday of the month at 1 p.m. and following Senior Luncheons.

  • The board discussed the value of getting a license for Bingo and decided it wasn’t in CLACC’s best interest to do so. Bingo at CLACC is meant to provide a social opportunity for local seniors so nominal participant fees and 100% payout will continue. This should satisfy most of our Bingo players.


Clear Lake Days Food Stand (June 27-29)- Lori

  • Nilssens was contacted about food ordering for the event.

  • To date, there are no volunteers signed up. It was recommended that Tim send an email to tenants, board members and other possible volunteers.

Grants – Muriel

  • A grant submission is being drafted to request funds from Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation for the HVAC upgrade. 

  • We plan to reapply to T-Mobile for the Event Center Project.

  • Other submissions are under consideration.

Unfinished Business 

National Registry of Historic Places – No report

New Business 

Rise Organization – Wendy

  • This is a community employment program, located in New Richmond, for people 18 and older with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities. They’ve offered to bring a small group to CLACC to help with tasks that they can do. They can come for up to 4 hours and as much as weekly. Supervision is provided by Rise staff. Tasks that CLACC is suggesting for them include weeding, sweeping the thrift store and other areas, cleaning in general.

  • Wendy will coordinate with Rise.

Other New business

  • Tenant recognition – It was suggested to recognize tenants at 5-year intervals for their being a part of CLACC.

  • First Floor Waxing – Due to its appearance and condition, waxing the first floor hall is needed now.

  • Cart for donated items-

  • A new cart is needed to preserve the first floor hallway. The current cart’s wheels cannot be replaced or repaired.

  • Muriel made a motion to purchase a new one with the cost to not exceed $450. Ray seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Adjournment – Wendy moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:00 am. Ray seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Next CLACC Board Meeting – Thursday, June 20, 9:30 am

Note – Date changed to avoid Clear Lake Day preparations


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