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March 2024 Meeting Minutes

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Clear Lake Area Community Center Board Meeting

March 28, 2024

Present: Board Members - Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Virginia Cahow, Muriel Nelson, Doug Cahow, Wendy Schoggins, Sue Anderson, Dan Pearson, Bert Peterson; Advisory Board member Joan Lillie. Other participants – John Koerper

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tim Wyss at 9:30 am.

Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tim.

Secretary’s Reports: The minutes of the February 22, 2024, annual meeting was accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report - Virginia Cahow


  • Thrift Shop sales continue to be on target.

  • Rental receipts -difference from previous month may be due to payment cycle than overdue rent.

  • “Cupid Carnival” was mis-entered as a donation descriptive; it was the fundraiser that raised $3,420 total. 


  • There was no gas bill payment because it was reflected in last month’s report.

  • Water usage is down because the boiler no longer requires frequent discharges to remain operational. 

  • General Maintenance – Reflects the coving materials for the second floor hallway.

  • Insurance – The monthly property insurance and the annual volunteer insurance premium was paid.


  • The WESTconsin accounts are in process of being closed. The value of maintaining a business relationship with that credit union was discussed. Doug moved to maintain the $5 membership account so as not to sever the relationship with WESTconsin. Virginia seconded the motion. Motion carried.

  • The Invesco funds were discussed. They were rolled over from the previous investment company and continue to be slow growing. It was agreed to ask Eric of Edward Jones to evaluate these investments.

Office Management Report – Wendy Schoggins

  • She is working with two tenants who are a bit behind on rent payments.

  • Work continues to transition to the new QuickBooks software.

  • A thank you for the support for Cupid’s Carnival were included in the Insider, on the center Facebook account and in a chronicle article. Board members were asked to sign thank you cards to send to all who supported the fundraiser - businesses, tenants, etc.

  • Wendy recommended the 5-year plan for CLACC be updated. She will work with a sub-committee and bring something back for board review.

Old School Thrift Store – Sue Anderson

  • Volunteer help and sales are both going well.

Standing Committees:Building and Maintenance:

Fire Suppression System - Tim

  • Installation is complete.

  • The kitchen recently passed the county inspection for commercial kitchens. The inspector was impressed with the kitchen and has already referred a potential renter.

  • One Center tenant, Out the Woods Goods, posted a complimentary statement about the center’s cooperation to upgrade the kitchen relatively quickly so that they could use it to further their business.

Boiler -Tim

  • Tim is looking for a contractor, knowledgeable in this type of boiler system, to evaluate it. The benefit of the air intake tower on the roof is unknown (i.e. does that system still function?).

  • Doug contacted an engineer who has yet to come. Doug will attempt to reach him again.

Roofing replacement for the three-story brick section of the center last replaced in 1991

  • Ray, Tim and Doug formed a roofing committee to evaluate the two bids and prepare a recommendation.

  • Bids  - 

  • Paul Sheet Metal (Rice Lake) provided a bid of $98,000 for a rubber product with a 15-yr. warranty.

  • Fischer (Ellsworth) initially presented a bid of $134,820 using a 50mm I.B. CPA product. They subsequently revised their bid to $114,820 using a 60mm I.B. CPA with a 20-year warranty and would be willing to carry up to $15,000 interest-free until October 1. 

  • Discussion summary – 

  • The roof was replaced in 1991; recently, roof leaks were detected room 308.

  • Rubber products eventually shrink and pull away from the roof substructure, causing leaks.

  • The rubber is black while the I.B. CPA is white and would not get as hot in the summer sun.

  • Neither product is puncture proof. However, the CPA product seems to be better.

  • Fischer used the I.B. CPA product for the gym hallway roof about 15 years ago and so far, there have been no problems.

  • Warranties for the two products are the same.

  • Sue moved to contract with Fischer to replace the roof of the 3-story structure for $114,820 with 60 mm I.B. CPA roofing material. Wendy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Gym lobby floor - Wendy

  • She found VCT tile for $1.19/sf or $160.65 total to cover the area.

  • Doug made a motion to purchase the VCT tile; Muriel seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Program Development

Senior Luncheons – Muriel Nelson

  • Leap Year Luncheon of February 29.

  • The event was a success with 80 lunches served.

  • Sincere thanks goes to the United Covenant Church for providing desserts and to the many volunteers who are so important to the event. Also, we appreciate the centerpieces provided by Wendy and the prizes donated by Lori & Warren.

  • Spring Luncheon – April 18

  • The next luncheon will be Thursday, April 18, again at noon in the dining room.

  • Notices to local churches, posters in area businesses and word of mouth will be used to inform people since the chronicle won’t be on the newsstands until April 16.

  • Once again, volunteers are needed.

  • Senior Grill Out – June 11

  • Warren DeBoer has offered to be the grill master for a cookout for seniors on June 11. This event is still being planned.

  • Game days

  • Joan & Muriel are working toward offering “game afternoons” when seniors can come to the center, play cribbage or other games and visit together.  

Clear Lake Days Food Stand

  • There is an opening for a non-profit to operate a food stand during Clear Lake Days because the ambulance service is unable to take one this year. 

  • Most food options are already taken by other organizations. However, pork chops and corn, usually sold by the ambulance service, is an option; walking tacos was also suggested. Information from the ambulance service would be helpful in making the food decision.

  • This year’s event may not draw as large a crowd as previous years since organizers are scaling back. Also, there is no big name entertainer this year. 

  • Food stands must be open during hours specified by the organizers on Thursday night, Friday and Saturday.

  • Doug moved that CLACC have a food stand at Clear Lake Days this summer.  Virginia seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grants – Muriel

  • To date, potential grantors have declined applications to fund our large projects. The committee will analyze the submissions and reapply for several, if not all, in the future.  The committee is also researching for additional grantors by largely using the GrantStation tool.

  • Committee members are also investigating options for approaching local manufacturers and other businesses to inform them of CLACC to the community and encourage donations.

Donations – Wendy

  • Wendy recommended that types of donations accepted by CLACC be expanded beyond money to include items such as vehicles, land, stocks, and bonds. 

  • Wendy will explore procedure options to ensure correct control of those types of acquisitions.

Community Garden-Tim

  • Aaron Wagner had approached the community center about establishing a community garden on community center property. 

  • This was tried several years ago but with minimal, if any, success. Also, it took years for the area to once again be a grassy yard.

  • Aaron has not re-contacted CLACC. Also, other options may be possible in the community.

  • CLACC will not take any action at this time.

Earth Day Poster Contest-Wendy

  • The local school students will again make posters for Earth Day. Last year the Lions Club and CLACC each donated $150 for student and teacher prizes.

  • Doug moved that CLACC provide $150 toward student and teacher prizes for Earth Day posters. Muriel seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Mini-Business World Event

  • The WMC Foundation sponsors this 1-day event for students and the local school would like to have the event at CLACC.

  • The board agreed that the center should cooperate with the school to ensure the MINI-Business World Event occurs as desired.

Earth Day – April 22

  • This is usually a service learning day for the local school students.

  • It was noted that this is “mulch year”

Adjournment – Muriel moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:50 am. Doug seconded the motion. Motion carried.


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