Clear Lake Area Community Center
CORRECTED Minutes - March 23, 2023 Board Meeting
Board Members Present: Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Virginia Cahow, Sue Anderson, Doug Cahow, Dan Pearson, Wendy Schoggins, Bert Petersen
Advisory Board Members Present: Muriel Nelson
Call to Order - 9:30 A.M. by President Tim Wyss
Pledge of Allegiance – Led by Tim Wyss
Minutes of January 26, 2023, Meeting - approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report – Virginia Cahow. Accepted as submitted for review.
Report Highlights:
Thrift Shop continues to meet and/or exceed budgeted sales.
$250 from Thrivent is being classified as a grant.
Natural gas costs continue to increase; may be a factor in future rental fees.
Four 9-month CDs were purchased at Pillar Bank as approved at the January meeting.
Office Management Report -Tim and Wendy
Steven has resigned (See New Business)
Wendy will maintain QuickBooks for CLACC until someone can be identified to fill the role. She estimates it requires 4 hours/week.
Old School Thrift Shop Report – Sue Anderson
There are now 8-9 workers on Mondays to sort the increase of donations. Candy Monson, a new volunteer, is doing a great job displaying merchandise. The shop now has an outlet for unsellable denim goods, that is, a person who weaves rugs.
Standing Reports:
Building and Maintenance - Sue
A recent water leak in the heating system that caused minimal damage is repaired.
Main hallway: Hall walls were painted, chairs re-upholstered & new benches placed along hall where “Smithsonian pictures” will be hung.
UCC Youth Group (the CREW) performed a “Spring Cleaning” on March 11. It’s possible to coordinate other activities with them.
Program Development - Wendy
Earth Day Poster Contest – at the end of March, student-made posters will be hung in the hallway. Guest judges will decide the winners. Prizes, thanks to Tim and Lions Club will be given to each winning student and their teacher.
There will be a Gaylord Nelson display during the month of April to honor Earth Day as well.
Grant Writing - Muriel
The committee met March 21. Several projects are under review for projected costs. Included among others are the Thrift Shop Annex (formerly the greenhouse), parking lot improvement, a fire suppression system for the kitchen, HVAC system, asbestos removal, and Event Center stage upgrades. Potentials for grants are also being researched.
Development and Public Relations -Ray
Wendy recently became the school system’s Community Education Coordinator.
Membership/Nominations – No report
Unfinished Business:
New Flooring-Second Floor Hall
Visitors are remarking on the improvement.
Warranty – still to come from the contractor.
Agreement to request contractor to attend a meeting and explain how he will manage repairs, if needed.
Baseboard – still to be replaced.
Wendy to determine color; Contractor will be asked to bid on it.
New Business:
Board member resignation
Steven Kearney submitted his resignation, effective April 18, 2023. Virginia moved/Sue seconded to accept. Motion was carried. Steven agreed to continue as an advisory board member. The board is very appreciative of the many years served and different roles filled by Steven. The Board agreed to give Steve a gift card.
The board voted Muriel Nelson in as secretary.
By Laws Changes (See attached)
Dan motioned/Doug seconded the approval of the bylaw changes as previously sent out by Tim. Motion carried.
Bank Account Signatures
Steve needs to be removed as a signatory for the CLACC banking accounts. Dan moved/Bert seconded that Steve be removed and Wendy be added as a signatory. Motion carried.
Closing Westconsin Account
Ray made the motion/Virginia seconded to close out the Westconsin account when appropriate. Motion carried.
Mileage Reimbursement
The policy has been changed to allow for mileage reimbursement but there is no approved procedure for such. Bert motioned/Virginia seconded to adapt the form used by Heritage Center. Motion carried.
A procedure (how/when to use) is to be determined.
Earth Day – April 21
There is a sign that was an was an Eagle Scout project that needs repair or replacement. Ron Cress may have more information.
Garrets Greenhouse will provide plant donations at the appropriate time.
Grounds Clean-up Day – A trailer is needed. Suggestions were made as to who might loan one. Date is TBD.
Tenant - Can Dance Studio
The Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts will be consolidated into one room. Can Dance will move its studio from the dining room to the vacated room. Projected date – June.
Move to Adjourn – Motion made by Doug/Seconded by Dan. Motion carried at 11:05 AM.
Next Board Meeting is changed to Thursday, April 20 at 9:30 a.m.

Attachment – Bylaw Changes
Clear Lake Area Community Center
Board Meeting Minutes – March 23, 2023
(Note – additions are underlined; deleted verbiage is crossed through)
5.04 Notice of Meetings
Telephonic or written notice stating the place, time, date, purpose of any meetings of the Board of Directors shall be delivered either personally, electronically or by mail to each member not less than three (3) days before the date of such meeting. Verbal notice of the next meeting at a previous meeting would fulfill this condition.
6.03 Terms of Office
The term of office for all Officers shall be two (2) years. Officers may be reelected for additional terms. Election of the offices of President and Secretary shall be conducted in even numbered years beginning in 2004. Election of the office of Vice President and Treasurer shall be in odd numbered years beginning in 2003.
9.02 Checks, Drafts, Etc.
All checks, drafts, orders for payment of money, notes, or other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of the Corporation shall be signed by the President or his/her a designee, and the Treasurer approved by the Board.