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June Board Meeting Minutes

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 Clear Lake Area Community Center Board Meeting

June 20, 2024

Present: Board Members - Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Doug Cahow, Muriel Nelson, Wendy Schoggins, Sue Anderson; Advisory Board member: Lori DeBoer. 

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tim Wyss at 9:30 am in the Center office.

Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tim.

Secretary’s Reports: The minutes of the May 23,2024 Board Meeting were awaiting a quorum for approval.  (Note: There was a quorum prior to addressing any motions) 

Treasurer’s Report – Wendy Schoggins for Virginia Cahow

Roof replacement:

  • The first payment of $47,410 for the roof replacement has been made. A balance of $67.410 remains.

  • Discussion ensured on paying the balance:

  • The original contract with Fischer, the roofing contractor, stated they would carry $15,000 until Oct. 1.

  • Doug made a motion that if Fischer is still willing to allow CLACC to pay the $15,000 with no finance charges, CLACC will take advantage of the offer.  Sue seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

  • Tim will contact Fischer to confirm their offer.

  • After significant discussion, there were two motions for board action:

  • First, Doug made the motion to close out the WESTconsin Money Market Account and draw down the savings to $5.00 (the minimum to maintain membership there). Sue seconded the motion; motion carried. (This money will be transferred to the Pillar Checking account).

  • Second, Muriel made the motion to pay the roofing bill by:

    • Reducing the Pillar checking account to $25,000;

    • Closing out the Pillar Saving Account; and

    • Using monies from the Ed Jones Money Market Account for the remainder of the balance.

    • Doug seconded the motion; motion carried.

Office Management – Wendy

5-Year Plan – 

  • Wendy sent out information previously and board members are asked to provide ideas back to her. 

  • The subject will be addressed more fully later in the year.

Rise  - 

  • The Rise organization from New Richmond will send 4-5 people and their supervisor each Monday & Tuesday to work from 10:30 to 2:30. 

  • They will perform grounds upkeep when the weather is good and work inside (sweep floors, etc.) on inclement weather days. 

  • Wendy, Ray and Tim will share CLACC coordination responsibilities.


  • One tenant is several months behind in rent payments. Action is being taken per CLACC policies.

Thrift Shop – Sue Anderson

  • There are no issues to report; everything seems to be going well. Donations are increasing.

  • Wendy showed options for a replacement cart. Instead, it was recommended that larger casters be researched, ones that can be welded onto the existing cart.

  • Additional electrical outlets were added by changing a 240V to 2-120v outlets (cost - $260.58)

Standing Committee Reports:

Building and Maintenance:

Convection oven – Wendy

  • A used oven was purchased for $600. Installation is TBD, based on availability of a plumber.

Roof project – Tim

  • Completed, with payment due as discussed above.

Weather-stripping – No Update

Kitchen drain – Tim

  • No additional leaks have been identified since Flex Tape was used to seal the crack.

  • Two possible courses of action discussed:

  1. Continue on with the tape; get drain cleaned every few years to prevent build-up that could disturb the tape seal. 

  2. Proceed with a major plumbing repair, e.g., replace cracked pipes (which requires temp removal of some duct work), determine if some pipelines could be straighter. Replace sheet rock.

  • Discussion tabled until information is obtained from plumber, i.e., a cost estimate based on analysis of work needed and if changes are required for a new disposal.

Boiler maintenance – Tim

  • The Bartingale company performed annual maintenance on the boiler the end of May.  Tim will follow up to ensure they have completed the work.

Program Development

Senior luncheons –Muriel

  • The dates of August 22, October 24 and December 5, 2024, are finalized and on the calendar.

  • The June 11 summer luncheon was well received by the 61 participants.  Special thanks to Warren DeBoer for grilling the hamburgers and hot dogs to perfection. Appreciation goes to all volunteers who assisted.


  • Bingo is on the center calendar for the second Tuesday of each month in addition to afternoons after senior luncheons.  

  • Participants are amenable to 50 cents per card and per game with nominal payouts (100% payback). 


Clear Lake Days – Wendy

  • Lori & Warren DeBoer are managing the booth but need several more volunteers.

  • An online sign up is available. Many available slots remain.

Other Business

Decorating - Wendy

  • Wendy reported she has completed painting the walls and replacing the carpet and mats in the gym lobby. 

  • Fantastic job!!


  • There was a discussion on the need for more volunteer help so that the organization can not only maintain its current commitments but also increase into new and different programs and activities.

Next board meeting-Tim

  • A decision is needed about whether to adjust rental for the long term tenants. 

  • Members should be prepared to discuss and decide.

Adjournment – 

  • At approximately 10:50 am, Doug made a motion to adjourn. Muriel seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Next CLACC Board Meeting – July 25, 9:30 am


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