Clear Lake Area Community Center Board Meeting
July 27, 2023
Present: Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Virginia Cahow, Muriel Nelson, Sue Anderson, Doug Cahow, Wendy Schoggins, Joan Lillie, Lori DeBoer
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tim Wyss at 9:30 am.
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tim
Secretary’s Report: The June 29 meeting minutes were accepted as submitted.
Treasurer Report:
Virginia and Tim initiated a Money Market Account at Edward Jones as directed at the last meeting.
Virginia reported that CLACC has had three small investments with Invesco since 2014. A motion was made by Sue and seconded by Doug to request Eric Morrisey of Edward Jones to review the Invesco data and provide opinion as to if there is a better option. Motion carried.
Expenses – Utility costs are down largely because the boiler is not in use. There was a roof repair bill to fix a leak above Suite 308 (Scouts Room).
A recommendation was made at an earlier meeting to give Neil Lillie $500 for his ongoing help to CLACC, but the check was never written. Motion made by Doug and seconded by Sue to re-address the recommendation and send Neil a $500 check. Motion carried.
Office Management Report – Wendy Schoggins
Wendy obtained a new conference table at no cost. Her sister transported and moved the table into CLACC.
Wendy continues her work to update the short-term contracts.
CLACC still needs someone to maintain QuickBooks. There was a discussion on how to fill this need. It may be necessary to provide a salary for the work. Virginia offered to contact Kyle Overby and ask if he knows of anyone.
Old School Thrift Shop Report – Sue Anderson
The shop has been very busy receiving and sorting donations.
They are a bit light on available volunteers but anticipate more help this fall.
Building and Maintenance – Tim and Wendy
Tim reported that after their annual inspection, the roofers strongly recommend the roof over the three-story center building be replaced to avoid future leaks as occurred last winter. Tears in the rubber membrane as well as screws holding the sub-roof to the deck coming through the rubber membrane and causing leaks. That roof does not have a rock ballast. Tim requested a bid from Paul’s Sheet Metal and Roofing.
Tim also reported that Mark Rundquist repaired one of the service windows in the dining room. He also adjusted the water flow on several urinals.
Door painting – The color selection was revisited since the Decorating Lead wasn’t present at the previous discussion. Wendy will set up a color selection meeting within the next 2 weeks.
A baby changing station has been purchased and will be installed in the All-Gender Restroom on the ground floor.
The magazine rack will be hung outside the office door.
Electrical poles outside by the parking lot have been vandalized. They are important assets and should be maintained. Wendy was asked to search for covers for the outlets.
Mopboards for the second floor hallway aren’t yet installed. Wendy selected black for the color. She has a bid from Bill for $2.50/ft. Tim will contact Curt Glaesemann to see if he also wants to bid on the work.
Program Development:
ADRC Meal Program - Muriel Nelson
Joan Lillie agreed to lend her expertise to the project.
The first congregate meal will occur in October. Exact date – TBD.
ADRC doesn’t provide food for group meals from Nov. through March so there is consideration to having a non-ADRC event during this span.
Ideas to increase participation include providing dessert and adding activities such as cards and board games, music, door prizes, etc.
Fund Raiser – Tim
Can Dance owner Candace Kuhl has offered to coordinate a fund raiser for CLACC with the community. The date would be February 18, 2024.
The board supports this event.
Unfinished Business
Tim indicated that, following the June 29 meeting, a tenant had questions regarding the money market decision being made, as in, how much money does CLACC have in savings? The question was addressed in Tenant Talks by pointing out that it’s good business practice to have savings to cover at least 3 months of operations and emergencies. CLACC is seeking grants for building maintenance and improvements that total more than ten times the amount in savings. Building upkeep and improvements for older buildings is expensive. A bit of sensitivity with tenants on this subject is appropriate.
New Business
Upgrading to fiberoptics with NexGen (local provider)– Tim and Wendy
Wendy researched the cost to upgrade to fiberoptics. There is a one-time cost of $200 for the router box. 100-megabyte service is $89.95/mo. Doug motioned and Muriel seconded that CLACC upgrade to fiberoptic service. Motion carried.
Security Camera Proposal –
CLACC has experienced a couple instances of minor vandalism recently.
Discussion resulted in several questions related to security cameras:
What type and how many cameras are needed, including decoy or “dumb” cameras?
Battery or hard-wired?
Real time only or back-up?
Should we enroll in a protection plan?
Wendy pointed out that Ring has some options that may be adequate.
Sunshine Fitness has a camera near its entrance. Tim will get information from the owner re: is it currently operational, type, overall usefulness, etc.
Issue to be discussed again at a future meeting.
Tenant Contract –
A current tenant hasn’t paid for liability insurance because he understood that it’s not required in the contract.
Muriel suggests the wording of the current contract needs clarification and offered to prepare a revised draft. As a fact all tenants are required to have liability insurance.
CLACC Building Insurance -
The current policy has a $1,000,000 coverage.
Virginia will again request a copy of the current policy so that proposals can be obtained from other carriers.
Tenant Changes – Tim
Roseanna Dear-Leopold (Simply Home), Suite 204, has terminated her lease and moved out.
Eric Woods, Suite 205, is moving into the now vacant Suite 204.
Out of the Wood Good, Suite 305, will move into Suite 205.
Soli Deo Gloria Ballet Academy, previously known as Karar, is considering expanding into Suite 305. Dean Hollister has verbally committed to moving his studio into suite 305.
Adjournment -
Motion was made by Lori to adjourn at 11:07 am; motion seconded by Virginia. Motion carried.
Next CLACC Board Meeting – August 24 at 9:30 am.
