Clear Lake Area Community Center Board Meeting Minutes
July 25, 2024
Present: Board Members - Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Wendy Schoggins, Dan Pearson, Muriel Nelson. Advisory Board member: Joan Lillie.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tim Wyss at 9:50 am in the Center office.
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tim.
Secretary’s Reports: The minutes of the May 23 and June 29 Board Meetings were accepted as written.
Treasurer’s Report – Wendy Schoggins for Virginia Cahow
Roof Replacement:
The final payment will appear in the July report when $30,000 was transferred from reserves at Ed Jones to pay this bill.
Because transfers from Ed Jones are made to CLACC’s Pillar Savings Account, that account cannot be closed as was approved at the June meeting. Muriel made the motion to rescind the previous decision of closing the Pillar Savings Account; Ray seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Water Bill:
Virginia suggested the water bill was higher than expected. The increased water usage was probably due to the work on the boiler tank that included a thorough flush of the condensate return tank.
Office Management – Wendy
5-Year Plan – No update to report.
Quick Books Support
Julie Elmer of Kyle Overby’s office has volunteered to assist Wendy with QuickBooks.
Thrift Shop – Sue Anderson
There are no concerns to report in Sue’s absence.
Casters to be used on the donation cart were donated years ago by Heidi Paulson. Ray will contact the welder previously used by CLACC.
Wendy provided data on thrift shop sales. Weekly sales in first 7 months of 2024 were slightly less than the last 5 months of 2023. This may be a seasonal pattern.
Standing Committee Reports:
Building and Maintenance:
Convection oven installation - TBD
Weather-stripping – No Update
Kitchen drain – Tim
Two possible courses of action were again discussed:
Option 1:
Continue with the Flex Tape solution.
Repair the holes in the walls and ceiling (sheet rock).
Clean the drain every couple of years to prevent build-up that could disturb the tape seal.
Option 2: (estimated cost $8,000 or more)
Replace cracked pipes (which requires temporary removal of some duct work).
Determine if some pipelines could be straighter.
Ensure that a commercial disposal can be installed.
Replace sheet rock.
Muriel made the motion to proceed with option 1; Dan seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Program Development
Senior Luncheons - August 22, October 24 and December 5, 2024
Plans are moving forward for the August 22 luncheon themed “Dog Days of Summer”
Games are scheduled for the 2nd Tuesday of the month and after senior luncheons for the remainder of 2024.
Clear Lake Days Food Stand - Wendy
The majority, if not all, expenses have been submitted. Net profit is currently $1,774.93.
Approximately 500 meals were sold which was greater than anticipated. This is a success, especially as it’s CLACC’s first time having a food stand, the first time for “walking tacos” at CL Days, and despite the competition (the carnival was also selling them).
Many thanks to Lori and Warren DeBoer for managing all aspects of the food stand and to the many volunteers who helped.
There was concurrence to do it again next year with Lori and Warren’s leadership..
Tenant Account in Arrears
One tenant, a renter for several years, has been in arrears for a few months due to financial problems that she didn’t share with CLACC (see Long-Term Tenant Policy that addresses this situation).
The tenant states she will soon have the necessary finances. CLACC will be awaiting the promised payment with the hope to avoid further steps.
New Business
Winter Market – Wendy
Wendy had an extensive planning meeting with Jess Frederick, the tenant who will coordinate the event again this year.
Proposed dates – Nov. 9, Nov. 30 (Small Business Saturday), Dec. 14, Jan. 11, Feb. 8 and Feb. 22 (also Cupid’s Carnival).
Proposed hours – 9 am-1pm (same as last year).
Vendors will not be charged this year because customer volume was less than expected last year.
Vendors will be required to complete an application form; Jess can follow up on submissions as needed.
The thrift store will be asked to be open again this year.
Suggestions for attracting more customers in November and/or December include:
Create a thrift store Christmas Store to sell holiday-themed inventory.
Make the building more inviting by hanging lights and other decorations (enlist help from the UCC Youth group).
Have a Santa event, e.g., a breakfast, greet Santa and have picture taken.
Arrange for horse-drawn wagon rides.
Muriel made a motion that CLACC provide $500 for advertising to include banners, newspaper and Facebook advertising, more yard signs, and weekly giveaways among other advertising needs; Dan seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Additional funding will be requested if the proposed suggestions are implemented.
Rental Rates for 2025 – Tim
Rates for long-term tenants have not been increased in over 10 years.
There was a discussion on the fairest way to raise rates and by what amount.
A committee of Tim, Ray, Wendy and Muriel will meet before 7/31 to determine this.
Other Business
Structure for Thrift Shop Donation Center – Ray
The suggestion was made to see if the high school Technical Education instructor would be interested in taking on the design, perhaps also the actual build, as a class project and to enlist the support of a local retired contractor to consult.
Brat Stand - Ray
The CLACC date for the brat stand will be moved to September. Date TBD.
Hilliard Janitorial Supplies - Ray
Ray found out that Hilliard will deliver orders of $400 or more free of delivery charges.
National Neighborhood Night Out -Wendy
Wendy was in contact with the local police department to see if CLACC could assist in any planned activities and perhaps host something in the Event Center. The police department has no plans for any activities this year, so this may be an opportunity to pursue next year.
At approximately 11:10 am, Muriel made a motion to adjourn. Ray seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Next CLACC Board Meeting – August 22, 9:30 am
Subsequent to the meeting, Tim distributed an email to board members to request approval for service and maintenance to the boiler system this summer, prior to the “heating season”. Bartingale Mechanical, who performed the summer maintenance, submitted a bid of $1,765 for the work.
The request received board approval via return email.
