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January Annual Meeting Minutes

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Updated: Feb 12, 2023

Clear Lake Area Community Center

Annual Board Meeting

January 26, 2023

Present: Officers - Tim Wyss, President; Ray Cress, Vice President; Virginia Cahow, Treasurer.

Other Board Members – Sue Anderson, Dan Pearson, Bert Peterson

Advisory Members – Curtis Glaesemann, Joan Lillie, Wendy Schoggins

Other Participants – Lori DeBoer, Muriel Nelson

President Tim Wyss called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM with a quorum present.

All attendees rose for the Pledge of Allegiance.

The minutes of the CLACC board meeting of December 29, 2022 were approved.

In the absence of Secretary Steven Kearney, Muriel Nelson recorded the minutes for this meeting as Secretary pro tem.

The Treasurer’s Report was also approved.

Office Management Report

  • In Steve’s absence, Virginia and Wendy reported that they’ve been making strides implementing the Quicken Quick Books software.

Old School Thrift Shop Report

  • Sue Anderson stated the shelving purchased with grant monies has arrived and will be installed this weekend. The shelving will be located along the back wall of the shop alcove.

Standing Committees – Selection of chairpersons

  • The bylaws state that certain standing committees with a chairperson must be in existence. (Please see the CLACC committee bylaws for the responsibilities of each committee). Chairpersons were appointed for committees as follows:

  • Building and Maintenance – Sue Anderson

  • Program Development – Wendy Schoggins

  • Executive / Finance – Virginia Cahow

  • Grants – Muriel Nelson

  • Development / Public Relations – Ray Cress

  • Membership / Nominations – Lori DeBoer

  • Decorating - It was recommended to add this new committee to the bylaws at the next revision. Wendy Schoggins was selected as chairperson.

Other Bylaw issues

  • Reimbursement policy. An approved reimbursement policy would be beneficial to have as CLACC activities are increasing. Lori was asked to draft a form with appropriate instructions that also spells out policy.

  • 2-party check signing. Current bylaws require 2 signatures when issuing checks. In the current process, Steve and Virginia review incoming bills. After that, Steve creates the checks and forwards them to Tim for his signature. While this is not a 2-signature process, it is a 2-person (or more) review. Sue made a motion for the bylaws to be changed to reflect the current practice.

Unfinished business - New flooring project.

  • Tim reported that the tiles in the second floor hallway have been removed and the contractor plans to start laying the new floor tomorrow (1-27-23). Many issues have been identified and resolved to get the project to this point.

  • Maintenance – Virginia stressed the importance of obtaining correct maintenance requirements from the contractor.

  • Flooring warranty – To ensure that CLACC has an adequate warranty, it was recommended that an addendum be given the contractor with final payment stating warranty expectations. (Note – There is some cracking in the demo floor area but it was installed over existing tile.)

New Business:

2023 Budget Approval

  • There were no change requests to the projected income.

  • It was recommended that the expense line for ‘Natural Gas” be increased by $3,000 based on recent natural gas bills and price increase expectations.

  • Items in the projected expenses include a new computer for the office, directional signs for inside the building and installing replacement flooring in other areas of the building among other improvements.

  • See approved budget here

Reinvestment of funds

  • The local bank is offering 9-month CDs at a rate of 3.5% , a higher yield than current deposits. The offer is good through Jan 31, 2023.

  • A motion was made by Sue and seconded by Dan to authorize the executive committee to determine the amount and from what account to move into a 9-month CD. Motion was approved.

Election of board members (2-year terms)

  • The 2-year terms for board members Doug Cahow, Ray Cress, Dan Pearson & Richard Selvig are expiring. Doug and Ray agreed to be nominated for re-election. Dan suggests another community pastor take his place but agreed to re-election until the replacement is identified. Richard prefers to serve in an advisory role instead of a board member.

  • Wendy was nominated by Virginia, seconded by Sue to fill the opening created by Richard’s change.

  • The slate of board members for election includes Doug Cahow, Ray Cress, Dan Pearson & Wendy Schoggins. Bert motioned the slate be approved; Virginia seconded the motion. The slate was unanimously approved.

Advisory board appointments

  • Nominations for advisory positions to the board included Lori DeBoar, Richard Selvig and Muriel Nelson. Dan motioned the nominees be approved and Virginia seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.

Election – board officer positions

  • Two board officer positions, Vice President and Treasurer, are expiring.

  • Ray Cress was nominated for another 2-year term as Vice President. Virginia Cahow was nominated for another 2-year term as Treasurer. Bert made a motion to approve the nominees; Dan seconded the motion. Again, this motion was unanimously approved.

Tenant Talk

There was discussion about publishing the list of current CLACC tenants in the chronicle.

  • The idea was favorably accepted. However, it may be wise to ask each tenant if they agree to having their business listed along with their hours of operation. If a tenant prefers, “Private Office” or similar can be noted by their room number.

  • The concept will be developed further.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:00 am.


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