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January 2024 Meeting Minutes

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Updated: Feb 21, 2024

Clear Lake Area Community Center Annual Meeting

January 25, 2024

Board Members Present: Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Virginia Cahow, Muriel Nelson, Sue Anderson, Doug Cahow, Bert Petersen, Wendy Schoggins. Advisory Board Members: Lori DeBoer, Joan Lillie

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tim Wyss at 9:30 am.

Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tim.

Secretary’s Reports: Because there was no quorum at the December 7th board meeting, the minutes of the October 26 and December 7, 2023 meetings were presented; both were accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report - Virginia Cahow

The proposed 2024 budget was presented.

Proposed income:

  • All line items of income are expected to be greater than was budgeted for 2023. Proposed income is $117,000.

Proposed expenses:

Some highlighted areas of expense included (comparisons were made to the 2023 budget):

  • Utilities: Gas budgets to be the same due to the mild winter; all other utility costs were increased.

  • Business Expense – Civic and Commerce membership budgeted here.

  • Contract Services: 

  • Accounting costs increased last year.

  • Boiler maintenance – A contract to have a professional check the system was viewed as essential. The cost of having no heat due to a malfunction is immeasurable.

  • Cleaning costs include the project to clean and wax tile floors to preserve them.

  • Roofing costs are dependent on a roof that was last replaced in 1991.

  • Facilities and equipment:

  • Signage – More directional outside signs on the grounds that are illuminated are needed, especially with more short-term rental contracts.

  • Facilities Maintenance – Includes the contract for tuckpoint work, another essential maintenance.

  • Insurance:

  • Costs include policy for the building and policy to cover volunteers.

  • Doug moved to accept the 2024 budget as presented; Sue seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  • Some CDs that were making zero interest were cashed in. The money was moved to the Edward Jones account for the time being. 

  • Tim suggested that it would be helpful to allow the Executive Board to investigate options for investing this money and take appropriate action. Lori moved to do so; Bert seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Office Management – Wendy Schoggins

  • A 1099 needs to be completed.

  • Quick Books offers an online version for non-profits for $100 or less. That option will be pursued for purchase.

  • Renters – 

  • One tenant is vacating and should be current on rental fees before leaving.

  • “Willows Foster Closet” has just rented a room near the thrift shop.  The new tenant provides clothes and other items to foster parents at no cost.

  • Rentals continue to be at capacity with an active waiting list.

The Old School Thrift Shop -Sue Anderson

  • The thrift shop continues to be busy. It’s been open for all the Winter Market events.

  • There was discussion about replacing the collection bin, one that won’t mark up the hall floors.

Building and Maintenance – Wendy and Tim

  • Gym lobby mats – No update

  • Weather stripping on doors – Some doors have new weather stripping.

  • Fire suppression system – The system is installed. Gas and electric hook-ups are scheduled.

  • Flooring – 

  • Wendy and Curtis will schedule a day when they can complete the coving in the second floor hallway. 

  • The waxing project continues and the results are impressive.

  • Wendy suggested VCT tile be installed for upcoming floor surface replacement projects.  This includes the gym hallway and 3rd floor room (after asbestos abatement), the gym lobby once the door lobby mats are installed and the Event Center entry. This tile is long-lasting when installed with VCT adhesive.

  • Tuck-point work – A contractor submitted a lower bid but he is not bonded.  It was decided to use the same contractor as in previous years since he is bonded but may be slightly higher in cost.

  • Third story roof – Tim has scheduled a meeting with a second contractor for a bid.

  • Boiler header work – Tim and Mark Rundquist are working with Countryside for a bid. Countryside suggests CLACC eventually consider a back-up boiler system because if the current boiler goes out, the absence of heat could cause significant damage throughout the building.

Program Development: 

Kitchen Committee – Lori DeBoer

  • Lori met with Out of the Woods Goods tenants regarding kitchen issues:

  • Dishwasher issues: The dishwasher water was not heating as required. Ray reported that it was ok when used for a recent event.

  • It still should be checked out.  Wendy Johnson, who knows of someone who has worked on these types of commercial appliances, will be contacted again.

  • The garbage disposal needs to be replaced.  Muriel made a motion to purchase a new disposal. Doug seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Senior Luncheons -Muriel Nelson

December Holiday Luncheon– 

  • Approximately 75 people attended.

  • Thanks goes to Joan and her volunteers for the good meal.

  • First Lutheran was recognized for providing desserts and United Methodist for salad.

  • The event could not happen without a great crew of volunteers.

February 29 Leap Day Luncheon

  • Advertising has started (chronicle article, information for churches, posters out soon)

  • The menu is selected and churches will be contacted for donation of desserts and salads.

  • A door prize or two are also being considered.

  • Concern – the dishwasher. Joan is also trying to locate a retired person in the area who worked on commercial dishwashers.

  • Other concern – volunteers. Again, a crew of volunteers is needed for a successful event.


  • Currently, the Board President can make non-budget purchases up to $500 without board approval. 

  • Following a discussion, Doug made a motion to increase the upper limit to $1,000. Motion was seconded by Virginia.  Motion passed.

Grants – Muriel

The status of grant submission is summarized below:

  • Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative’s Operation Round Up – CLACC received $1000 toward the fire suppression system on Jan. 17. There will be an article in the chronicle highlighting this. 

  • WEDC-SAG grant application for up to $150,000 for asbestos removal . Final submission  was complete on Jan. 23.  We should know something around March 12.

  • T-Mobile for $50,000 for event center improvements. We should know in late March.

  • Otto Bremmer Foundation $50,000 for Old Thrift Shop Donation Center – build on old greenhouse foundation. A decision should also be made in March.

  • Compeer - $5000 toward the fire suppression system that’s been positioned in the kitchen. Update-Compeer won’t fund anything already installed, i.e., the suppression system itself; the committee is researching other options, including gas and electrical hookup.

Unfinished Business: National Registry of Historical Places Application-Lori DeBoer

  • Recognition as a historical site can provide more grant possibilities as well as increase the prestige of the building.

  • The application can take up to 1.5 years for a decision.

  • Lori scheduled a meeting for 3 pm, Tuesday, January 30 for interested parties to work on the application.

New Business:

  • Cupid’s Carnival Fundraiser

  • Candace Kuhl, tenant and owner of CanDance, is coordinating the event on Feb. 18, 1-5 pm.

  • Activities for all ages are planned

  • Music by The Pitt Crew

  • Bingo with 100% pay-out

  • Raffle (using license from the American Legion)

  • Bouncy House

  • Carnival games sponsored by local businesses and tenants

  • Ticket sales for games and food (Brickfire pizza, Kate’s Coffee Koop)

  • There was discussion and mixed opinions about allowing beer sales. It was decided to leave the decision to the tenants.

  • Virginia will check to ensure there are no issues associated with CLACC’s insurance coverage.

  • Dog walking and obedience – No discussion

  • Wedding Expo – Wendy indicated it’s not under consideration for this year.

  • Election of Board Members and Officers:

  • Doug Cahow made a motion to re-elect board members Tim Wyss, Virginia Cahow, Sue Anderson, Bert Petersen and Muriel Nelson to another 2-year term. Ray seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

  • Doug Cahow made a motion to re-elect Tim Wyss to another 2-year term as Board President and Muriel Nelson to a 2-year term as secretary. Ray seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Other New Business:

  • “Tenant Talk”, the monthly CLACC newsletter is renamed to “CLACC Insider-What’s New at the Center”. The electronic publication is in its third year of providing CLACC information to more than 80 subscribers.

Doug made a motion to adjourn; Ray seconded the motion. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 am

Next CLACC Board Meeting – Thursday, February 22, 9:30 am

CLACC Office


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