Clear Lake Area Community Center Board Meeting
February 22, 2024
Board Members Present: Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Virginia Cahow, Muriel Nelson, Doug Cahow, Wendy Schoggins, Lori DeBoer, Curtis Glaesemann, Joan Lillie
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tim Wyss at 9:30 am.
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tim.
Secretary’s Reports: The minutes of the January 25, 2024 annual meeting was accepted as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report - Virginia Cahow
Thrift Shop sales are on target.
CLACC received a $1,000 grant from Polk-Burnett Project Outlook and $252 from Thrivent.
Rental receipts from current tenants have been received; 95% of our tenants pay by the 5th of the month.
The gas expense reflects 3 months of bills.
Telephone Internet is for fiber-optics and 2 phone lines (one line in thrift shop & its used).
Utilities – includes increased water usage for the boiler. The pH continues to fluctuate; a technician will be in next week and hopefully will address this. The village has increased their rates for water & sewer.
General Maintenance – Reflects investment floor cleaning & waxing supplies. (This project is on hold pending replacement of cracked/missing tiles.)
Contract Services -Boiler contract shows payment for 3 months; cleaning expenses are for 2 months.
Facilities Maintenance – Includes parts to repair toilets.
Senior luncheon – Bill for food for December luncheon.
Insurance – Also includes 2 months of bills
The WESTconsin account can be closed once the Thrivent donations are redirected.
The required documents have been filed to move money from CLACC’s Pillar Bank account to our Ed Jones account.
Office Management-Wendy Schoggins
Wendy is beginning to write up procedures she follows for maintaining the office.
QuickBooks – Wendy purchased an online version of the software that can be used by up to 5 users. Transition to the new software is underway.
Old School Thrift Shop – No update to report.
Building and Maintenance – Tim Wyss
Gym Lobby Floor – No update to report.
Weather stripping – Has been completed on many doors.
Fire Suppression System – Gas hook-up complete; electrical to be done within the week.
2nd Floor Hallway Coving – Completed by Curt Glaesemann, Tim & Wendy.
Tuck-point Work – Holding off on the bid for now.
3rd Floor Roofing –
Replacement is becoming increasingly imperative.
Two bids have been submitted (Paul’s Sheet Metal of $97,800 and Fischer with $135,000 bids. Note that they each use different materials).
Tim, Doug & Wendy will meet to analyze the bids and make a recommendation.
Upgrading the system is becoming another urgent issue.
Tim continues to work with the contractor so that the bid is current.
Snowplowing – CLACC does not have a contract with anyone but is making inquiries.
Program Development –
February “Leap Day” Senior Luncheon – Muriel Nelson
Preparations are proceeding with Joan Lillie as our chef once again.
Volunteers are needed, like the December luncheon.
United Covenant Church is providing desserts this time.
Cupid’s Carnival Fundraiser – Wendy
Candace Kuhl (tenant), Lori DeBoer & Wendy coordinated the event.
More than 40 sponsors participated (tenants, local businesses, individuals)
The crowd was estimated to be 400 (kids and adults).
The raffle was successful with 1080 tickets sold.
Bingo was popular with 100% payout (since CLACC doesn’t have a bingo license)
Proceeds totaled $3,005 plus what is still coming from Raising the Bar and Brickfire pizza sales.
Suggestion – The suggestion was made to hold a gun bingo/raffle as a fundraiser. Wendy, Candace & Lori will research possible options.
Grant Committee – Muriel
Otto Bremmer declined our submission. We’re still waiting on T-Mobile (Event Center stage and other upgrades), SAG (asbestos abatement) and Dunn County (sound system for Event Center)
We’ve obtained a GrantStation subscription in hopes of finding more grant opportunities; grant opportunities for capital improvements (HVAC, the roof) are very sparse.
X-Cel requires that submitters be invited. It was recommended to contact Cindy Reed for assistance.
Registration as a historical site opens more grant opportunities.
Decorating Committee – Wendy
Wendy & her daughter painted the ground floor Women’s Rest Room. A nice upgrade!
Unfinished Business:
National Registry of Historical Sites – Lori
Her research is coming along with only a few more things to finish. Once she gets some pictures, she plans to send something out next week.
New Business
New Tenants
Room 309 – Jacob and Faith have rented this suite. They make 3-D pictures and sell their creations at shows and Renaissance festivals
Room 109- Willows Foster Closet is renting this space. Jennifer Thompson, a foster parent herself, collects clothing and other items to give to foster parents upon request.
Adjournment – Doug made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Muriel seconded the motion. Motion carried at 11:10 am.
Next CLACC Board Meeting – Thursday, March 28 at 9:30 am, CLACC Office
