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February 2024 Meeting Minutes

Clear Lake Area Community Center Board Meeting

February 22, 2024

Board Members Present: Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Virginia Cahow, Muriel Nelson, Doug Cahow, Wendy Schoggins, Lori DeBoer, Curtis Glaesemann, Joan Lillie

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tim Wyss at 9:30 am.

Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tim.

Secretary’s Reports: The minutes of the January 25, 2024 annual meeting was accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report - Virginia Cahow


  • Thrift Shop sales are on target.

  • CLACC received a $1,000 grant from Polk-Burnett Project Outlook and $252 from Thrivent.

  • Rental receipts from current tenants have been received; 95% of our tenants pay by the 5th of the month.


  • The gas expense reflects 3 months of bills.

  • Telephone Internet is for fiber-optics and 2 phone lines (one line in thrift shop & its used).

  • Utilities – includes increased water usage for the boiler. The pH continues to fluctuate; a technician will be in next week and hopefully will address this. The village has increased their rates for water & sewer.

  • General Maintenance – Reflects investment floor cleaning & waxing supplies. (This project is on hold pending replacement of cracked/missing tiles.)

  • Contract Services -Boiler contract shows payment for 3 months; cleaning expenses are for 2 months.

  • Facilities Maintenance – Includes parts to repair toilets.

  • Senior luncheon – Bill for food for December luncheon.

  • Insurance – Also includes 2 months of bills


  • The WESTconsin account can be closed once the Thrivent donations are redirected.

  • The required documents have been filed to move money from CLACC’s Pillar Bank account to our Ed Jones account.

Office Management-Wendy Schoggins

  • Wendy is beginning to write up procedures she follows for maintaining the office.

  • QuickBooks – Wendy purchased an online version of the software that can be used by up to 5 users. Transition to the new software is underway.

Old School Thrift Shop – No update to report.

Building and Maintenance – Tim Wyss

  • Gym Lobby Floor – No update to report.

  • Weather stripping – Has been completed on many doors.

  • Fire Suppression System – Gas hook-up complete; electrical to be done within the week.

  • 2nd Floor Hallway Coving – Completed by Curt Glaesemann, Tim & Wendy.

  • Tuck-point Work – Holding off on the bid for now.

  • 3rd Floor Roofing – 

  • Replacement is becoming increasingly imperative.

  • Two bids have been submitted (Paul’s Sheet Metal of $97,800 and Fischer with $135,000 bids. Note that they each use different materials). 

  • Tim, Doug & Wendy will meet to analyze the bids and make a recommendation.

  • HVAC – 

  • Upgrading the system is becoming another urgent issue.

  • Tim continues to work with the contractor so that the bid is current.

  • Snowplowing – CLACC does not have a contract with anyone but is making inquiries.

Program Development – 

February “Leap Day” Senior Luncheon – Muriel Nelson

  • Preparations are proceeding with Joan Lillie as our chef once again.

  • Volunteers are needed, like the December luncheon.

  • United Covenant Church is providing desserts this time.


Cupid’s Carnival Fundraiser – Wendy

  • Candace Kuhl (tenant), Lori DeBoer & Wendy coordinated the event.

  • More than 40 sponsors participated (tenants, local businesses, individuals)

  • The crowd was estimated to be 400 (kids and adults).

  • The raffle was successful with 1080 tickets sold.

  • Bingo was popular with 100% payout (since CLACC doesn’t have a bingo license)

  • Proceeds totaled $3,005 plus what is still coming from Raising the Bar and Brickfire pizza sales.

Suggestion – The suggestion was made to hold a gun bingo/raffle as a fundraiser. Wendy, Candace & Lori will research possible options.

Grant Committee – Muriel

  • Otto Bremmer declined our submission. We’re still waiting on T-Mobile (Event Center stage and other upgrades), SAG (asbestos abatement) and Dunn County (sound system for Event Center)

  • We’ve obtained a GrantStation subscription in hopes of finding more grant opportunities; grant opportunities for capital improvements (HVAC, the roof) are very sparse.

  • X-Cel requires that submitters be invited. It was recommended to contact Cindy Reed for assistance.

  • Registration as a historical site opens more grant opportunities.

Decorating Committee – Wendy 

  • Wendy & her daughter painted the ground floor Women’s Rest Room. A nice upgrade!

Unfinished Business:

National Registry of Historical Sites – Lori

  • Her research is coming along with only a few more things to finish. Once she gets some pictures, she plans to send something out next week.

New Business

New Tenants

  • Room 309 – Jacob and Faith have rented this suite.  They make 3-D pictures and sell their creations at shows and Renaissance festivals

  • Room 109- Willows Foster Closet is renting this space. Jennifer Thompson, a foster parent herself, collects clothing and other items to give to foster parents upon request.

Adjournment – Doug made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Muriel seconded the motion.  Motion carried at 11:10 am.

Next CLACC Board Meeting – Thursday, March 28 at 9:30 am, CLACC Office

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