Clear Lake Area Community Center Board Meeting
December 7, 2023
Board Members Present: Ray Cress, Muriel Nelson, Sue Anderson, Joan Lillie, Wendy Schoggins,
Guest: John Koerper
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Ray Cress at 9:35 am.
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Ray.
A quorum was not present; the meeting was informational only since board could not act on any issues.
Secretary’s Report: The report was reviewed; no corrections were identified.
Treasurer’s Report: The report was reviewed; no items were identified for discussion.
Office Management Report – Wendy Schoggins
LCD Sign – Communication has been lost between the sign and the laptop. A cord was installed from the building to the sign with a mat covering it over the sidewalk.
Replacement parts will cost about $500. Wendy was asked to obtain Tim’s approval.
Policy regarding the maximum the President can authorize without board approval. – It was requested that this policy be revisited when a quorum was present. Currently, the President can spend up to $500 without board approval.
Old School Thrift Shop – Sue Anderson
The thrift shop was very busy with both Friday holiday sales and Saturdays being open for the Winter Market.
There remains a need for cashiers. Leona Voss and Donna Fjellstad have indicated they may consider this position.
It was suggested that the thrift shop volunteers be recognized.
There is a policy for volunteers buying thrift shop merchandise. Sue indicated they get first dibs and can also check out items to take home to try on, etc. Volunteers pay the standard price for their purchases.
Standing Committees
Building and Maintenance
Coving - Curtis Glaesemann will install the coving with Wendy’s assistance. Timeframe TBD
Gym Lobby Mats - 12-inch interlocking squares have been purchased to fit into the floor frames in front of the doors. The remaining carpet will be replaced, possibly with carpet squares and outlined in LVT. Most materials are available. Installation time needs to be arranged with Premier Gymnastics and backpack program.
Weather-stripping on certain doors. A volunteer may have been identified for this work. Timeframe TBD.
Cleaning the gym rain gutters - No progress to report. Ray will follow up with Doug.
Fire Suppression System – The system is ordered. Installation, coordinated with gas and electrical workers, should be completed in December.
Dining room floors- Supplies have arrived for cleaning and waxing the floors. The work will be scheduled after Christmas. There is consideration to include the kitchen too.
Bids - Still pending for tuck-point work, roofing and boiler header.
Program Development – Senior meals
October 26 noon meal was co-sponsored with ADRC
ADRC required pre-registration and a set fee for the meal.
The volunteers-Joan, Ray, Dan, Tim & Patti and Lori and Warren-were terrific!
About 55 people attended. Many participants requested another luncheon.
December 14 – A Senior Holiday Luncheon is planned for this day.
Joan Lillie will be the chef with UMC providing the salad and First Lutheran the dessert. CLACC will purchase the remaining food needed for the meal. Costs to be covered by free-will donations.
Volunteers are needed to help serve, clean up, etc. Muriel sent out a request to board members.
Executive and Finance – Invesco Funds
Eric Morrisey is tracking this investment.
Tim has moved the money from CDs to the savings account with plans to transfer the monies to the money market account at Edward Jones.
Grants – Muriel
A grant request for the event center upgrade was submitted to T-Mobile for $50,000 on Nov. 22.
A grant request to the Otto Bremer Foundation for $50,000 for the Old Thrift Shop Donation Center went out on Nov. 30.
A request went to Compeer grants for $5000 for the fire suppression system.
The submission to SAG for $150,000 for the asbestos removal project is ongoing.
Unfinished business:
Winter Market-Jess Frederick (Tenant -Whispering Pines Ranch) is the coordinator.
About 30 vendors participated in the third market held on Dec. 2. Vendors are providing mixed reviews.
There remains a challenge of getting shoppers to the second floor vendors.
This year’s policy for renting tables for $20 seems to be working well; most bring their own tables.
Wendy continues to do a lot of advertising on Facebook.
More markets are scheduled for Jan. 13 & 27 and Feb. 10.
New business:
February Fundraiser – Wendy
Candace of “Candance” is planning a ”Cupid Carnival” the weekend following Valentine’s Day, geared to be a family event with games, a raffle and a free will donation for CLACC.
Possible new event – Wendy suggested a “Wedding Expo” where venues, caterers, photographers and other businesses could be available to future wedding couples for planning their big event.
Dog Walking and obedience – Someone approached CLACC to rent the facility for their dog walking and obedience business. This doesn’t appear to be a good fit.
Application to the National Registry of Historical Places-Lori offered to research this option for CLACC after the holidays. The board members present were in favor of the idea.
Announcement – A the next meeting several board positions are up for election: For 2-year board member terms – positions currently held by Tim Wyss, Virginia Cahow, Muriel Nelson, Sue Anderson, and Bert Peterson. Also, the offices of president and secretary are up for election (2-year terms).
The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 am.
The next meeting will be held Thursday, January 25 at 9:30 am.
