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December Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: claccdigclaccdig


MINUTES OF December 29, 2022

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Doug Cahow, Virginia Cahow, Sue Anderson, Bert Peterson, Steve Kearney



Call to order 9:30 AM by Tim Wyss

Pledge of Alliance: Tim Wyss

Minutes of Previous Meeting: There was no November 2022 Board of Directors meeting. The October 2022 meeting minutes were presented and approved.

Treasurer Report: Virginia reviewed the financial status.


  1. Office Business:

  • Wendy has been very active and working with the digital billboard. Looks great! Thanks Wendy!

  • Wendy reported that we have had at least eight new volunteers involved with projects at the Center. This number does not include the Stone Creek people who redecorated the North stairwell landing.

  • Discussion regarding how to go about engaging our tenants to volunteer. Requiring participation verses not requiring. More thought and discussion is needed.

  • 2023 budget meeting set for January 9, 2023 at 9:30a.

  • Meeting with Bill from Floor Fixers to be arranged. Ray, Tim, Wendy, Sue, Steve, Doug and Virginia to attend.

  • Discussion regarding establishing a decorating committee and a budget for same. Steve made a motion, Bert seconded the motion, to establish the committee, give the committee a $500.00 budget, make Wendy an Advisory Board member and the Chairman of same said committee. Motion passed.

  • Discussion regarding disposition of the electric organ in the dining room. Virginia and Wendy agreed to research donating the organ to an appropriate organization.

  1. Thrift Shop:

  2. Building and Grounds:

  • Discussion on whether or not to have Bill (Floor Fixers) clean, polish and wax the third floor hallway, dining room & kitchen, as well as the stair landing tiles. Sue made a motion and Steve seconded the motion to discuss it with Bill at the scheduled meeting with him. Motion carried.

  • Tim reported that we are still working on figuring out the heating issue in the south end of the building…specifically the gymnasium.

  1. New Business:

  • Discussion regarding whether or not to increase the size of our corporate sponsorship with the Civic and Commerce organization in town. In the past we have made the minimal donation of $50. There was discussion regarding increasing the sponsorship to $100.00 and finally to the $250.00 sponsorship level. Sue made a motion, Bert seconded the motion to go with the $250.00 sponsorship. Motion carried.

  • Tim informed us that four seats on the Board of Directors are up for re-election in January 2023 at the annual meeting. Doug, Dan, Ray and Richard. Two executive committee seats are up as well. They are Vice President (Ray) and Treasurer (Virginia).

  • Candace with the Candance group has requested the use of the Event Center space for a Valentines dance. Approved.

  • There was some discussion regarding part of the Clear Lake Heritage Days vendors setting up in the Community Center parking lot. We discussed the fact that the coronation currently takes place in the Event Center. Whether or not Civic and Commerce is officially requesting the parking lot use by vendors has not been decided by them yet. The CLACC Board of Directors appears to be open to the idea and this will be communicated to Civic and Commerce by Wendy.

  1. Motion to adjourn was at 11:25a. Motion carried.


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