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December Board Meeting Minutes

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Clear Lake Area Community Center Board Meeting Minutes

December 19, 2024

Present: Board Members - Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Virginia Cahow, Doug Cahow, Bert Petersen, Wendy Schoggins.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tim Wyss at 9:45 am in the CLACC Office.

Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tim.

Secretary’s Reports: The minutes of the November 21 Board Meeting were reviewed. 

  • Ray asked for clarification on the Bingo group using the VFW Suite. As Quartermaster, he was not consulted regarding the “ongoing permission”. 

  • Ray also suggested that minutes include assigned person(s) for action item(s) along with time frames.

Treasurer’s Report – Virginia Cahow 

  • The Treasurer’s Report was provided by Virginia.

Office Management – Wendy Schoggins

  • Wendy will create name tags for board members to wear when attending events and while volunteering.

Thrift Shop – No report

Tenant Talk

  • Tim will invite tenants to meetings so that the board can become more familiar with tenants and vice versa.

  • Tenant location changes:

    • Wood Cutlery (Eric Wood) will be moving to the old boiler room as soon as electrical outlets are installed.

    • Several current tenants expressed interest in relocating within the building once space is available.

Standing Committee Reports:

Building and Maintenance:

  • Weather stripping: John Koerper will lead the project.  Wendy purchased several different sizes of weatherstripping so that John can determine how much is required to weatherstrip all exterior doors.

  • CESA LED Lighting – Wendy will ask CESA (Cooperative Educational Service Agency) if there is a chance that CLACC could purchase 8 ft. LED tubes from them at a discount bulk rate. CLACC currently needs them for the fitness center, Lifeline Food Pantry and Whispering Pines Suites.

  • Energy evaluation: “Focus on Energy” will be at CLACC on Tuesday, Jan 14 at 10 am to perform an evaluation assessment of the facility. They will provide tips and ideas to help CLACC conserve energy and hopefully, lower energy bills. Wendy organized the meeting.  Virginia plans to attend along with anyone else who is interested.

  • Roof Repair: Paul’s Sheet Metal performed a yearly inspection of the thrift shop roof and also completed some repairs.

  • Building Security/Locksmith – Star Locksmith is scheduled to meet with Tim, Wendy and Virginia after this board meeting.

  • Tuckpointing – Since the person who previously did CLACC’s tuckpoint work has retired, Tim will ask Ryan Buhr and Nathan Alverman if they can recommend someone.

  • Boiler Back-Up: Before a back-up boiler is purchased, CLACC needs to determine if the heating system will be hot water or steam. In addition, Countryside will be providing a quote for an HVAC system for the gymnasium area by the end of the year. 

Program Development - Wendy read Muriel’s update that included the following:

  • Senior Meals:

  • 63 individuals braved the cold snap to attend the Dec. 5 Holiday Luncheon. There was also a request for two carryout lunches. Thanks again to the great volunteers who helped, especially Joan Lillie, our volunteer caterer.

  • Wendy prepared and distributed a questionnaire for attendees to complete.  Muriel & Wendy will be reviewing the valuable information provided in the responses.

  • February 27 has been selected for the next Senior Luncheon. More information will be provided at the January Board Meeting.

  • Joan and Muriel will be meeting to plan the remaining 2025 schedule.


  • Attendance has increased to 12 participants in the last 2 games. Word of mouth seems to be the key to increasing participation.

  • Participants were informed that we need to change the date (from the 2nd Tuesday of the month) beginning in April. They “took it well”.


  • Marci Meyer has submitted 3 grant requests totaling $135,000 for HVAC improvements. We should hear back after the first of the year on each of them. 

  • We will again submit a request to Fred B and Katherine C Andersen Foundation in February for the HVAC system (or another need if the other grant requests are approved).

  • Shelby Meyer is preparing to visit local business and industries to reintroduce them to CLACC’s importance in the community and to our capital fund needs.

  • The committee voiced support for repairing the old boiler room floor.

Indoor Winter Maker’s Market - Wendy

  • Wendy reported that the market seems to be going well. She noted that when there is another event to draw in more people, these people don’t seem to shop at the market.


Proposed 2025 Operating Budget:

  • Total Expenses require approximately $11,000 more to balance with Income.

  • It was proposed to add $11,200 to Facilities Maintenance expense to help cover the boiler replacement.

  • There was a suggestion to add $500 to Senior Luncheon expenses to total $1500.

  • The operating budget will be presented for approval at the annual meeting in January.

Unfinished Business

No updates

New Business

Preparations for Annual Board Meeting and election of officers on January 23, 2025:

  • Board member positions held by Doug, Ray, Wendy and Dan are up for re-election. Those members present indicated they are willing to run for re-election.  Tim will contact Dan who was not present.

  • Offices of Vice President and Treasurer – Ray indicated that he no longer wants to serve a Vice President but would like to remain on the board or else be an advisory member.


The meeting was adjourned.

Next CLACC Board Meeting/Annual Meeting –January 23, 2025, 9:30 am

Wendy Schoggins, secretary pro tem


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