Clear Lake Area Community Center Board Meeting
August 24, 2023
Present: Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Muriel Nelson, Sue Anderson, Wendy Schoggins, Joan Lillie
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tim Wyss at 9:30 am.
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tim
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the July 27, 2023, Board Meeting were accepted as submitted.
Treasurer Report: There was no treasurer’s report due to the absence of the treasurer.
Office Management Report – Wendy Schoggins
Quick Books – All entries and reconciliations were made current prior to submitting the records to Kyle Overby who is preparing CLACC’s annual report for non-profits. We’re still looking for someone to come perform Quick Book entries.
Fiber Optics – Wendy contacted Nextgen about installation and is waiting to hear from them.
Insurance – Bob Madden is preparing a quote for comparison with our current insurance provider.
Short-term rental agreement. Our current damage deposit for rental of dining room, kitchen and/or event center equals the rental amount, as much as $600 for a full weekend. The deposit check is returned to the renter if there is no damage, if the rented area is “left as it was found”, e.g., clean and if the keys are returned.
Wendy was asked to check with the Amery Community Center for their rental deposit policy so that the board can determine if there is a better option.
The dining room, kitchen, and event center each have hourly rental rates for Monday-Wednesday. Rental schedules were updated to reflect this.
New directional hallway signs have been posted on the first floor.
Domain name renewal – CLACC’s domain name needs to be renewed. Current annual cost is $15.16. Muriel moved that the renewal be paid; Sue seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Old School Thrift Shop – Sue Anderson
Donations are plentiful.
A potential volunteer, Donna, is considering the thrift shop along with other volunteer options.
Standing Committee Reports:
Building and Maintenance-Tim and Wendy
Mop Boards for 2nd Floor Hallway - Tim contacted Curtis Glaesemann who said he hasn’t done mop boards previously but could do the work gratis. Tim will also ask Mark Rundquist if he knows of someone.
Gym Lobby – Wendy asked Matt Nelson (’85) for a bid to clean the lobby carpet. In addition to unsightly stains, there may be mold under/on the carpet at the outside door entry. Matt said he’ll give a bid for cleaning plus any needed special treatments. If the cleaning doesn’t work, he won’t charge CLACC.
Door Painting – The project was delayed to Aug. 29 due to excessive heat. Meantime, True Value is working to identify a suitable paint that won’t fade, etc.
Signs – The outside overhead door signs also need replacement.
An initial quote was over $1700 per sign, far more than the donation received to cover their replacement.
Wendy offered to create a “new” sign using the wood from a current one. If this works, it will be a far less expensive option.
Parking lot electrical boxes – Wendy is unable to locate any type of cover. Tim will contact the original installer (Jason Monson) to see if he can provide ideas or options.
Program Development – ADRC Senior Meal Program – Muriel
October 26th at noon is the date selected. Polk County ADRC has been informed.
The next step is notification to churches. Tim will get a church contact list so that we can send information to them. A message is being developed for approval.
Board members are asked to show support by signing up for the meal and if possible, volunteering.
Muriel & Joan will have more information at the September meeting.
Grants - Tim and Muriel
Asbestos Removal – Tim recently heard from Ray French of WEDC that the Site Assessment Grant (SAG) program changed its policy and will consider asbestos abatement projects such as our boiler room.
Their criteria include that the project have involvement of the local municipality.
Tim has application materials and also contacted Al Bannick for his acknowledgement of the project.
A Zoom meeting with Ray, Al and others is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 29 at 10:00 am.
Event Center Stage, Lighting and Sound-The committee recently became aware that T-Mobile has a grant foundation that seems to want requests related to fine arts. Marci is preparing our request.
Old Thrift Shop Donation Center-It was pointed out that the recent quote for the new structure should be considered.
Development/Public Relations-Wendy
CLACC accepted the grade school’s invitation to participate in their Open House on Sept. 5 along with other non-profit organizations. Thie objective is to provide information to the community about CLACC, including volunteer opportunities.
Wendy is developing a brochure and a bookmark among other informational tools. Muriel is making a bead/pipe cleaner activity kit for the kids.
There were no reports from Executive/Finance or Membership/Nominations committees.
Unfinished Business:
Invesco Funds Review-
Eric Morriarty of Edward Jones reviewed that investment as requested. He recommends that those funds be moved to his management. Sue made the motion to do so; Muriel seconded the motion. Motion carried.
New Business:
Renewal of school district’s emergency reunification plan with CLACC-Tim
Tim was reminded by school administration that the CLACC building is the district’s location for reuniting students with parents should the school buildings have to be evacuated.
Wendy made the motion to continue this partnership with the district and to charge the school the normal key deposit fee. Ray seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Winter Market Events-Tim
Jess Fredericks, has proposed re-establishing a winter market at CLACC for arts and crafts vendors.
Proposed dates are Nov.11 & 25, Dec. 2 & 9, Jan 13 & 27 plus Feb.10. Jess would approve vendors but needs help with advertising and set-up.
A charge of $20/table was proposed, more if electrical is needed. Jess would use the registration fee for her out-of-pocket expenses.
Muriel made a motion that CLACC work with Jess to establish in writing an understanding of expectations and responsibilities. Sue seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The thrift shop will consider being open those days also.
Other Business:
Tables – The number of tables available and their condition was discussed. Wendy was asked to look for comparable tables so that those in poor condition can be replaced, perhaps 4 per year.
Insurance signs - It was recommended that signs be posted stating the organization is not responsible for accidents. The subject will be revisited at a future meeting.
Adjournment – Ray motioned to adjourn at 11:20 am. Sue seconded the motion. Motion carried.
