Clear Lake Area Community Center Board Meeting Minutes
August 22, 2024
Present: Board Members - Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Virginia Cahow, Doug Cahow, Wendy Schoggins, Muriel Nelson. Advisory Board member: Lori DeBoer.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tim Wyss at 9:30 am in the CLACC Office.
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tim.
Secretary’s Reports: The minutes of the July 25,2024 Board Meetings were accepted as written.
Treasurer’s Report – Virginia Cahow
$430 was received from donations made by village residents when they paid their taxes through the village. There was a discussion about ways to inform village taxpayers that they could donate to CLACC when they paid their taxes.
A second payment of $52,410 was made for the new roof. The last payment of $15,000 is due October 1.
Except for a $15 wire transfer charge for a one time transfer from Edward Jones, all other expenses were as expected. Wendy is getting accounts requirements modified at Pillar to avoid future transfer costs.
The report was accepted as submitted pending any future audits.
Office Management – Wendy
Quick Books Support
Julie Elmer of Kyle Overby’s office spent 4 hours working on QuickBooks with Wendy. Taxes have been prepared and filed, thanks to Julie’s volunteer work.
Rise Volunteers
The Rise volunteers, from the organization for developmentally challenged individuals, come every other week to CLACC.
They are great workers and cleaned the second floor hallway and stair landings when the weather prevented them from doing grounds work.
Thrift Shop
Donations seem to be at a surplus. However, because some of the volunteers have been absent (illness and vacation) the sorting of donations is a somewhat behind.
It was recommended that CLACC do something special to recognize the thrift shop volunteers.
Standing Committee Reports:
Building and Maintenance:
Convection oven installation - TBD
Weather-stripping – Tim is looking for the special type of weatherstripping used on certain doors.
Relocating the antique printing press – TBD
A tenant has requested that the printing press that was moved from the dining room to the gym hallway be placed elsewhere.
This is a formidable task because of its weight.
Replace sheetrock in Sunshine Fitness Suite – Tim
Tim is looking for someone to repair the walls damaged by the kitchen drain leak.
Decorating Committee – Wendy
Wendy requested $100 for supplies to mount the “Smithsonian” pictures in the lower hallway.
Ray moved that CLACC pay $100 for the supplies to display these pictures. Lori seconded the motion; motion was carried by a majority vote.
Program Development
Senior Luncheons -
A Senior Luncheon is being held today (Aug.22). Clear Lake’s Queen Shelby Meyer will be attending and visiting with our seniors. Shelby is also a member of the CLACC Grant Committee
Two more luncheons are planned for 2024 - October 24 and December 5. Many thanks to the board members who volunteer to help at these luncheons.
Attendance at the luncheons tends to be about 60 +/-5.
Games are scheduled for the 2nd Tuesday of the month and after senior luncheons for the remainder of 2024. These are low-key games attended by 10-12 people and will continue to be 100% payback.
Executive/Finance - Tim
Rental Rate Increase Proposal for 2025
The base rates for long term renters has not been increased in several years.
The subcommittee (Tim, Ray, Wendy and Muriel) proposes the following base increase as related to room size:
Up to 399 s.f. - $5/mo. (Example - small rooms at top of 3rd floor stairs)
400-1599 s.f. - $10/mo. (Includes most former classrooms)
1600-2499 s.f. -$20/mo. (Areas such as the fitness center)
7,000 s.f. - $50/mo. (Gymnasium)
The additional fees for water, refrigeration units, etc. remain unchanged.
CLACC will attempt to determine an additional charge for AC units in the near future.
Lori made the motion to increase base rental rates as listed above; Doug seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Grant Committee – Muriel
Asbestos Abatement Project
The asbestos abatement contractor will start work on Tuesday, Sept. 3 on the boiler room. They will open one of the boiler room windows to facilitate trash removal and will employ strict operational standards to prevent any problems.
Grant application status
Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation for HVAC upgrade – Waiting to hear.
Hugh Andersen Foundation for Thrift Shop Donation Center – Application delayed to the November cycle.
Polk County Round-Up and Alcivia – Marci Meyer is submitting a request to each of these funders for $1,000 toward a commercial garbage disposal.
Dunn County Foundation – Marcia submitted a request for an Event Center stage replacement that was declined by the foundation.
Unfinished Business:
National Registry of Historical Places Application – No Report
New Business
Brat Stand – September 12 & 13 – Ray
The menu includes brats, hot dogs, sloppy joes (thanks to Virginia), beans, water & soft drinks.
Wendy was asked to help print the menu.
Ray finalized the schedule:
Thursday: 11-2 – Ray, Lori, Warren; 2-5 Ray, Tim, Muriel
Friday: 11-2 – Ray, Doug, Virginia; 2-5 – Ray, Wendy
Winter Market – Wendy
While CLACC has access to a Santa suit for someone to take the role of Santa’s helper, we will be in competition with the Civic and Commerce Association’s Santa event on Nov. 30 and Dec. 14.
No resolution to the issue.
School Open House – September 3 – Wendy
Brochures and bookmarks will be available as handouts.
The picture collage and a sign-up sheet for receiving the Insider will be available.
At 11:05 am, Muriel made a motion to adjourn; Doug seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Next CLACC Board Meeting – September 26, 9:30 am
