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August Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: claccdigclaccdig

Updated: Dec 22, 2022


MINUTES OF August 25, 2022

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Sue Anderson, Doug Cahow, Virginia Cahow, Steven Kearney


OTHERS PRESENT: Muriel Nelson, Wendy Schoggins

Call to order 7:00 PM in the Center office by Tim Wyss

Pledge of Alliance: Tim Wyss

Minutes of Previous Meeting: July 2022 Minutes Approved

Treasurer Report: Virginia presented the Treasurers Report – reviewed and approved. Points of interest:

  • Thrift shop continues to do well in spite of moving to one day a week open for business.

  • Rents are up to date.

  • $887.00 gross donations from centennial celebration. $100 to go to the museum.

  • We should be prepared to see a spike in utilities due to WE Energies petition for an increase in rates.

  • Virginia also reported that she had met with Kyle Overby and he agreed to stop in on a Monday to meet with Steve and show him how to generate a report from QuickBooks that will show the accounting items that Virginia wants for the board meetings.

REPORTS: (Minutes taken by Ray Cress)

  1. Office:

  2. Thrift Shop:

  • Sales continue doing fairly well even though we are only open one day per week.

  • Some discussion regarding a need for volunteers.

  • Discussion on the need for more professional shelving. Steve agreed to try and submit an Operation Round Up grant application for same by the September 1, 2022 submission deadline.

  1. Building and Grounds:

  • Tim reviewed major maintenance / repair projects for the year to date to include repairs to the air conditioning unit in the thrift shop, purchase and installation of the heat exchanger tube bundle for the boiler heating system (now completed), whole building water heater installed and operating including circulation pumps.

  • Tim reported that Greg Morris has not been in yet to try and solve the problem with heat in the gymnasium but he hopes to get Greg in soon.

  1. Discussion regarding hallway flooring project. Decided that the 2nd floor hallway is the most critical part of the project currently. Ray made a motion to approve doing the 2nd floor refinishing project a.s.a.p. Sue 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Tim will be calling Bill and Steve will email Bill to set up an appointment to get the project going and to get an updated price on doing the 2nd floor.

  1. New Business:

  • Discussion relative to a need for more volunteers lead to Muriel talking about the possibility of a volunteer fair to recruit people. Muriel, Ray and Wendy will be working on putting a fair together for sometime in October or November of 2022. Muriel would like a list of projects and ongoing needs for volunteers along with very short job descriptions to go with them.

  • Discussion regarding the work that Mark Rundquist does for us as a volunteer. Doug moved that we purchase a $100.00 gift card for Mark in appreciation for his efforts. Steve 2nd. Motion carried.

  • Discussion regarding Neil Lillie volunteer work mowing and snow plowing. Doug moved that we make a gift of $500.00 to Neil as an appreciation gift. Ray 2nd. Motion carried.

  • Discussion regarding American Legion and VFW hosting an appreciation dinner/ picnic in the dining room on October 4th, 2022. 5p social hour / 6p meal. Chicken and ribs to be served. Badger State reps. (Boys and Girls) will make a presentation. All CLACC volunteers invited.

  • Tim voiced a need for welcoming new tenants to the CLACC and possibly building a cooperative effort with the Community Club.

  1. Update:

Next meeting: September 22, 2022

Motion to adjourn at 8:43p by Doug, 2nd Virginia / Carried


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