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April Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: claccdigclaccdig

Clear Lake Area Community Center

Board Meeting April 20, 2023

Board Members Present: Tim Wyss, Ray Cress, Virginia Cahow, Muriel Nelson, Sue Anderson, Doug Cahow, Dan Pearson, Bert Petersen, Wendy Schoggins

Call or Order: Tim Wyss, President, called the meeting to order at approximately 9:30 A.M.

Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Tim

Corrected Minutes of March 23, 2023 Meeting: Accepted as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report – Virginia Cahow: Accepted as submitted for review.

Report Highlights:

  • Year to Date Income exceeds the budget from Thrift Shop sales and dining room rentals (11 signed contracts this past month) . Additionally, Thrivent has forwarded another $442.00 collected through their program where clients donate to non-profit organizations.

  • Some tenants are late with rent payments, due the 5th of the month. Also, tenant proof of liability insurance is not current. It was suggested that a friendly reminder be the first step to those not conforming to their contract. Muriel will go through the tenant files to identify those who need to provide insurance information.

  • Expenses - Increased natural gas prices and the long winter have affected the gas bill with approximately $21,000 billed in the first 4 months of ’23. Other expenses are on par or slightly below budget.

  • Assets – The Pillar checking account monthly statement is not yet available. Work continues to phase out the Westconsin account. Two auto-withdrawals and one auto-deposit need to be changed first. Virginia pointed out that the room key deposit fund must be managed akin to an escrow account. There is a carryover $40 specified for “alumni fund’ from last year’s reunion. The board agreed to add it to the general fund.

Office Management – Wendy Schoggins

  • Wendy spent several sessions learning the day-to-day operations from Steve prior to his departure.

  • She has ordered a free phone for the hearing impaired for the office.

  • Wendy and Muriel will tidy up areas of the office.

Thrift Shop - Sue Anderson

  • There are two new volunteers to assist in sorting donations.

  • Cash register volunteers are needed before the store can open for a second weekday.

Standing Committee Reports:

Building and Maintenance – Tim Wyss

  • Tim is waiting for a proposal for tuckpoint work from the contractor used in past years.

  • The dining room floor needs deep cleaning. Mark Rundquist offered to do it if equipment is available.

Decorating-Wendy Schoggins

  • Ten conference chairs are coming to replace the green-upholstered ones.

  • The case with the Gaylord Nelson display has been moved to be better noticed by visitors.

  • Discussion on where to hang the ‘Smithsonian pictures’ so they can be seen by visitors but placed out of harm’s way. Some feel they should be rehung in the dining room. Others suggest that they’d be safer if hung in the ground floor hall with the new benches placed to protect them from bumps. Adequate lighting in both areas was questioned. Discussion tabled to next meeting.

  • Next project – women’s restroom, ground floor, near ADA entrance. It will be cleaned & painted within a month. Wendy will lead the project. The leaking commodes and associated faulty vacuum breaker should be addressed.

  • LCD sign – Wendy located a TV that will be mounted in the hall near the office. It will display the same message as the exterior digital sign.

Program Development – Wendy Schoggins

  • The Earth Day posters, created by school students and now hanging in the hall, have been judged. W Cheryl Paulson, Ray & Wendy will present checks to winners and their teachers at the schools’ Earth Day Celebrations on April 21. The posters will be highlighted in a chronicle article.

Executive/Finance – Virginia Cahow

  • A spreadsheet for contracts is under development.

Grants – Muriel Nelson

  • The committee is proceeding to identify/verify project scope, identify cost and grant options. Grant applications will go out once adequate information is gathered.

  • The Thrift Shop Donation Center (formerly called greenhouse project) and parking lot improvement projects share first priority. Tim & Ray gained consensus from the museum board to include some of their green space in the new parking lot. Ray continues to work with the Meyer-Dorsey-Poye conglomerate on the parking lot design.

  • Asbestos Removal – Wendy has bids for asbestos removal in the gym hallway and Room 303. She’s now working on floor surface replacement bids for these areas.

  • The HVAC project and asbestos removal in the boiler room are beginning to meld. Contractors met with Ray, Wendy & Mark Rundquist about removing equipment that has asbestos. Getting rid of the items would necessitate HVAC project expansion.

  • Other projects being addressed include a fire suppression system for the kitchen and Event Room stage light. Another potential project is a nutrition program through Polk County ADRC.

Development / Public Relations – Ray Cress

  • Ray suggested there is a crossover between this standing committee and Program Development. He will bring a proposal to a future meeting to resolve this.

Membership / Nominations – No report

Unfinished Business:

Earth Day / Service Learning Day – May 5

  • Eagle Scout Sign- The sign is in poor condition. Options are to fix, replace or remove entirely. The board agreed there should be a sign. Wendy will get bids for replacement. The ‘mobile’ sign was also discussed; the majority agreed it can eventually be removed.

  • Yard and garden work – Bert, Wendy, and Doug each volunteered the use of their trailer (with sides). Eight to ten kids plus adult leaders are needed for cleaning up the grounds. Wendy will provide the black dirt needed to fill in plow ruts.

  • Windows –More workers (kids and leaders) are needed if windows cleaning is included in the activities.

New Business

  • The board agreed to try a new plan of sending out an action item list within a week of the meeting. Meeting minutes will be distributed later.

Tenant Talk-

  • Plans are on target to move Can Dance to Room 310 once the Girls Scouts move into Room 308 (sharing that space with the Cub Scouts).

Adjournment – Doug motioned, Virginia seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 11:05 am.

Next Meeting Wednesday, May 24 at 9:30 am

(Note date change)


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