Joshua Williamson is the youth pastor at United Covenant Church. So, when Josh reached out to see if anyone in the area needed some extra help, the Clear Lake Area Community Center jumped at the chance to work together. UCC Pastor Dan Pearson has also served on our Board of Directors for several years.
C.R.E.W.: Christians Ready Equipped and Willing, is the name of the Clear Lake Covenant Church Youth Group. C.R.E.W. meets every Wednesday evening at United Covenant Church, 348 5th Street NW, Clear Lake, Wisconsin. Supper is served beginning at 5:30 and the group meets at 6:00. It's open to all students in 7th-12th grade. All are welcome to join them, hang out and find the hope that comes only from Christ.
C.R.E.W.'s Theme Verse is 1 Peter 3:15 --
"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect"
Acts of Service
On Saturday, March 11, 2023, NINETEEN local kids from C.R.E.W. showed up, READY and WILLING to work for a few hours. As you may recall, CLACC recently had work done to redo the flooring on the second floor. This job required grinding off the tile and adhesive, and smoothing the concrete beneath it. As you can imagine, that left dust, dirt and grime throughout all three floors.
Some of the C.R.E.W. were already familiar with CLACC because they attend classes at Karar Academy Ballet, Premier Gymnastics, and/or Can Dance Classes. They were visibly excited to lend their services because they already had that connection and affection for the building. You could tell: this was their community center! That enthusiasm quickly spread to all of the other children. And, with hope for Spring around the corner, this C.R.E.W. set out to do some much-needed Spring Cleaning.
From washing locker faces, to scrubbing sinks, toilets and water fountains, cleaning upholstery, mopping floors and hauling tons of big, heavy doors to storage -- these kids proved that they were totally EQUIPPED for hard work. And boy, did they show up!
"...serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Galatians 5:14
The kids listened to music and happily chatted with each other while cleaning, but their strong work ethic prevailed. They rolled up their sleeves, got down to business and worked really hard getting into corners high and low, upending furniture to clean it thoroughly, and they even did windows! In less than two hours, the difference was HUGE! The whole building was fresh and clean.
After finishing up, the kids enjoyed light refreshments. CLACC Volunteers, Ray Cress and Wendy Schoggins snapped a few pictures, and thanked them for their time and efforts. Most importantly, Wendy reminded them that THIS IS THEIR COMMUNITY CENTER! Having the next generation feel more connected and taking pride in ownership is not only exciting but makes this volunteer's heart swell with pride!
Give Thanks in all Circumstances
The Clear Lake Area Community Center volunteers are extremely grateful, blessed and proud to have witnessed these children wholeheartedly serving their community. Special thanks to Josh and each and every one of the C.R.E.W. for their hard work and generous spirit!
Spring Cleaning C.R.E.W. Youth Group
Top left to right, Josh Williamson, Anna Williamson, Joe Tanner, Travis Munson, Levi Thayer, Marcus Zacharias, Isaac Thayer, Charlie Munson, Carter Wallberg, David Williamson, Frankie Vierkandt, Mark Munson, Torr Vierkandt, Nathan Munson, Ellie Dietrich, Clara Dietrich, Maggie Elmer, Sally Munson, Rian Wallberg and Lila Munson.
When I asked the kids to smile for this picture, I said, "Sayyyyyyy... THIS WAS FUN!" I wasn't expecting how hard they laughed at that statement! But, I think they did actually have fun!
Above: Sneak peek at the new flooring on the second floor. If you haven't had a chance to stop by and see it, you should!