Going Once, Going Twice... Sold for a great cause!
Even though the Old School Thrift Shop is only open one day a week, our inventory disappears fast! Thanks to our generous community's steady stream of donations, we often have more treasures than we have space to display.

Luckily, a new consignment auction has set up shop in Clear Lake on the first Sunday of each month at Noon at Raising the Bar. So far, the Old School Thrift Shop has participated in two auctions—and they’ve been a huge success! Not only does this help us sell even more items, but all proceeds go directly toward the maintenance budget for the Community Center.
More ways to shop, more ways to support—it’s a win-win for everyone!We hope to see you at the next Auction!
When: Every 1st Sunday of the Month, at Noon (preview starts at 11 am)
Where: Raising the Bar's Banquet Room - Main Street
Who: Everyone's invited to join in! Free Admission! As a consignment auction, you can even bring things to sell! The Old School Thrift Shop will have items for sale that benefit the Community Center.