4/22/2023 Update! Winners were announced and awarded at the elementary school Earth Day program on Friday, April 21.

Congratulations to our winners: Ana Cuper, Mikayla Dachel, Wyatt Krolak, John Cuper, Harper Emerson, Henry Kobernick. These students won prizes for themselves and their teachers (in other words, their communities)!
4/1/2023 Update! The posters are up! Stop by the Community Center during Earth Month (the month of April) to view the wonderful artwork of local students with a passion for saving the Earth! See more on our Facebook post. Winners will be announced at the schools on Friday, April 21! Good luck to all our entries.

Earth Day Posters Adorn the Community Center in April
by Wendy Larson Schoggins When Ray Cress first had the idea for CLACC to sponsor an Earth Day Poster Contest, I thought that it was a wonderful way to commemorate such a special day. Building upon that, the Clear Lake Lions Club offered to match donations which meant that not only could students win prizes, but they could also share their prizes with their communities (classrooms) by offering their teachers a reward as well. Since I recently began working with the school district as Community Education, I became the liaison between these two nonprofits and the school. I was so proud of our community for backing such a worthy cause. Then, the posters began coming in. Not only are they beautiful and truly impressive, but the stories behind them are what really make it all worthwhile. I believe it helps us to remember the "WHY" behind Earth Day, which is something we can all use a reminder about. One mom told me about how excited her daughter was to hand in her entry. She was done two weeks early and could not wait! Her mom looked at her poster, confused. She asked her daughter what the poster was about because she didn't understand. The daughter answered, "it's a bIRTH DAY poster!" Sure enough, it showed a super fun birthday party. Mom reluctantly explained, "honey, it's EARTH Day, not BIRTH day." As a hearing impaired person, that one really hit home for me. But thinking about it, I think that girl hit a bullseye! We should celebrate Earth Day's Birthday with the same exuberance as we would our own! Then, a teacher reached out to make sure her student's poster was received. The student, normally very shy and reserved, has never taken a chance like this - to make a poster for all to see about something she truly cares about. To me, that's reason enough to call this poster contest a success, no matter what else happens! Be sure to visit the Community Center during Earth Month (the entire month of April) to view the wonderful artwork of local students with a passion for saving the Earth! Students chose themes such as cleaning up their communities, appreciating the beauty of our Earth, and the importance of recycling and reusing! View more pictures on Facebook here. The Community Center also has a special Gaylord Nelson display on the main floor just South of the Center Office (room 124). Stop by and check out the posters and display during Earth Month. Don't forget to visit us online at clacc.org. Poster Contest Winners will be announced at the schools on Friday, April 21. Good luck to all our entries!
3/7/2023 Be sure to stop by CLACC during the month of April, when Clear Lake student artwork will adorn the hallways in honor of Earth Month. Sponsored by CLACC and the Clear Lake Lion’s Club, the Earth Day Poster Contest will have twelve winners and fabulous prizes. Deadline to enter is March 31. Entry forms are available at both school buildings or right here on this page at clacc.org (see below).
Flyer and Entry Form
You can download a printable PDF of the Clear Lake Earth Day Poster Contest Entry Form and Earth Day Poster Flyer with rules and information.
