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Clear Lake Days Food's First Year a Success

Writer's picture: claccdigclaccdig

Clear Lake Heritage Days was June 27-30. Thank you to all who joined us to help serve walking tacos at Clear Lake Heritage Days! We were overwhelmed with your support, and served more than 500 meals! Special thanks to Lori and Warren DeBoer who led this effort!

Our ultimate goal is to keep rents affordable for our tenants, and fundraising is one way we hope to do that. But the reality is, we have a lot happening and it's really adding up! A new roof was installed on the 3-story section of our building earlier this month. Asbestos abatement begins in a few months, covered in part by a grant -- but also requires matching funds from us. Add to that, an HVAC system, a thrift store donation center, upgrades to our commercial kitchen and event center stage, sound and lighting are just a few of the items planned. We are actively seeking grants, but we also need to do everything we can.

Did you know? The Clear Lake Area Community Center is entirely volunteer-run -- and most of these Good Samaritans are not even tenants. These amazing folks dedicate their time, energy, and efforts to support businesses like yours as well as nonprofits and community services. And the best part?! YOU can join us and enjoy a sense of purpose, make a positive impact, and network with your community! Help yourself while you help your community! It's the best PR you can do!

Sign up for a shift at the food stand while it's fresh in your mind:

Questions? Feel free to email CLACC, or contact Lori DeBoer, Tim Wyss or Wendy Schoggins.

Thanks for all you do!

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