Clear Lake Area Community Center Board Meeting
April 25, 2024
Present: Board Members - Ray Cress, Muriel Nelson, Wendy Schoggins, Bert Petersen; Advisory Board Members – Lori DeBoer. Other participants – John Koerper
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Ray Cress at 9:35 am.
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Ray.
Secretary’s Reports: The minutes of the March 28 board meeting were made available for review. Since there was no quorum, acceptance of the minutes is deferred to the May meeting.
Treasurer’s Report – Wendy Schoggins
Contract Rentals – Some tenants pay annually; others pay quarterly or monthly. Hence the month to month variance. Only one tenant is not current in rent payments.
Investment value change is for information only and noted in blue.
Office Management -Wendy (in Virginia’s absence)
Quick Book software – Wendy has installed the new online version.
Earth Day Posters – There was a record number of posters this year.
Ray and Wendy attended the Earth Day program at the school and presented awards to winning students and their teachers.
CLACC and the Lion’s Club each donated $150 for the poster prize money.
Winning posters will be exhibited in the museum during the summer.
Five-year plan. Lori volunteered to assist Wendy in beginning the work on a five-year plan.
Old School Thrift Shop – Ray (in Sue’s absence)
At an earlier meeting there was discussion on opening the thrift shop an additional day with support from board members. Muriel will contact Sue to get her opinion.
There have been discussions about designating all thrift shop sales to the new thrift shop donation center. This recommendation will be added to next month’s board meeting agenda.
Standing Committees:
Building and Maintenance
Convection Oven
This appliance is not working correctly. The malfunction resulted in a gas leak.
Lori will investigate if the oven can be repaired or if replacement is required.
Roof replacement
The project will start May 20 and requires that no one park in the parking lot to Door 1.
The question was raised if the contract with the roofer was modified as recommended and if it is signed. Ray will check with Tim to ensure all requested changes are in the contract.
Volunteer janitorial services –
Sally Johnson is now cleaning the gym lobby and those restrooms as part of her volunteer work.
Painting and weather stripping
Weather stripping is still required for some doors. This will be discussed further at the next meeting.
Painting of the header over gym doors – Ray will contact Ron Cress to see if he can do this.
Wendy asked that the grant committee add replacing the gym lobby windows to their list of projects needed funding. Muriel will do this.
Three doors need repainting (after last fall’s paint project). Ray was asked to coordinate this.
Kitchen drain leak.
A significant drain leak from the kitchen was identified last week that flooded the Sunshine Fitness offices. Sheet rock had to be removed to get to the leaking water.
None of the drains in the kitchen can be used until the leak is located and repaired.
A plumber has been contacted and CLACC is on his wait list, probably a month out.
Ray will try to borrow a snake with a camera to locate the leak in the drainage pipe.
Boiler inspection and maintenance –
Bartingale Mechanical has proposed performing maintenance on the boiler this summer at a cost of $900 plus materials.
Program Development
Senior Luncheons
Another successful Senior Luncheon was held April 18 with about 60 people attending.
Thanks to all who volunteered (it couldn’t happen without your help!) and to St. John’s Catholic Church for the dessert.
A “Grill Out (and Eat In)” is scheduled for June 11.
Joan Lillie and Muriel will meet to set up Senior Luncheon dates for the remainder of the year.
“Game Afternoon” is starting on Tuesday, May 14 at 1 pm and coordinated with help from Karen Pederson.
Seniors have been asking for an opportunity at the center to play games and socialize with friends.
Bingo will be offered with 100% pay out.
If successful, additional “Game Afternoons” will be scheduled; other community activities and dining room rental opportunities will be considered when scheduling them. Muriel will check old calendars for optimal days also.
Executive Finance
Designating reserves for roof replacement.
Wendy, Tim, and Lori will consult with CLACC’s financial planner, Eric Morrisey of Edward Jones, to determine the better option for paying the roof replacement bill ($114,820).
Clear Lake Days Food Stand.
Walking tacos, nachos, and soft drinks will be sold.
Lori will head the committee for this event.
The SAG grant of $148,000 for asbestos abatement is approved and the contract signed. The work will begin in the fall and must be completed by June 30, 2025.
The committee reviewed the unsuccessful grant submissions and made plans for resubmission. Other opportunities identified in GrantStation are also being pursued.
Lori is researching an inroad with the Anderson Foundation.
Question was asked if Compeer would provide grant money for the kitchen plumbing issues or a new convection oven. Muriel will pursue this and noted that they don’t provide money for completed projects.
Unfinished Business
National Registry of Historic Places – Lori
Historical pictures of the building are required for the registry submission.
Ray, Lori & Muriel will search for possibilities.
Earth Day
A troop of school students moved 15 yards of mulch throughout CLACC grounds on April 22.
New Business
CLACC Insider (previously Tenant Talks) was emailed out.
The meeting concluded at 10:45 am.
Next Board Meeting – May 23 at 9:30am
