Surprising Bargains Mean a Great Deal
by Muriel Nelson
If you are someone who likes shopping at flea markets, garage sales, or thrift shops, you will enjoy the Old School Thrift Shop located in the Clear Lake Area Community Center (CLACC). Customers can find good buys as they mingle among well-marked racks of clothes, and fully stocked shelves of dishes, books, toys, shoes, jewelry and even some antiques and collectibles.

The store has been at CLACC in different forms and places through the years. At one time it was a thrift store in one location with a seasonal Christmas store elsewhere in the building. Actually, the thrift shop was moved to several different rooms in the building before being placed at its current location, the former agriculture mechanics room of the old high school. That’s when it was renamed “The Old School Thrift Shop”.
The current operational set-up for this store is quite amazing. Members of the community generously donate items by dropping them off in the community center via CLACC Entrance Door 1. (For a complete list of accepted donations, check the website and select ‘Old School Thrift Shop’ option). The donations are moved to the sorting location where dedicated volunteers prepare and price the items for placement in the sales area. Items are displayed for seasonal sale, that is, Spring clothes in the Spring, Winter clothes in the Winter. Occasionally the store receives too many of a given item. For instance, they may have 15 donated raincoats but historically have sold only 8. The excess raincoats are sent on to another charity organization to ensure they will be used.
Moreover, the store has always been staffed by volunteers. The current dedicated team includes co-coordinators and go-getters of whatever is needed - Sue Anderson and Phyllis Johnson; greeter and cashier – Nancy Levra; and back room support staff - Sue Cress, Maria Bliese, and Kim Visgar. Additionally, Bonnie Pierson, who has moved away from Clear Lake, continues to volunteer whenever her schedule permits. Thanks to these workers, the sales area is well-organized and nicely stocked with merchandise readily visible to customers. Even though the store is currently open on Friday only, several of the volunteers work multiple weekdays preparing the merchandise so that customers will have a pleasant shopping experience.
When walking through the brightly lit store aisles recently, I saw a few things that may be of interest to collectors. “What?” you may ask. There was salt-glazed pottery from Ohio, old books, antique A&W mugs and vintage glassware (depression, pressed, etc.).
Sue Anderson and Phyllis Johnson told an interesting story. Some time ago, two customers purchased all the teacups in stock. Sue and Phyllis asked why they needed so many. The customers were planning a tea sponsored by their organization and wanted to give a teacup to everyone who came to the event.
There have been occasions when a family keepsake was unintentionally donated. It’s not their job to identify family mementos, but if they do, the thrift store staff will try to reunite the item with a family member. On a similar note, not long ago a customer was looking for a cookbook published several years ago by a local church. The thrift shop didn’t have any in inventory, but when one became available later, staff sent the donated copy to the customer in Illinois.
It’s important to note that all proceeds from Old School Thrift Shop sales are used to cover CLACC expenses. The former school building, now over 100 years old, has a never-ending list of needed repairs, not to mention costs for utilities.
The Old Store Thrift Shop is looking for more volunteers to join their team. The greatest need is for the greeter-cashier position, that is, someone to welcome shoppers and assist them in finding just the right purchase. People wanting to work in the sorting area should also apply. If interested, visit the CLACC website, or contact the CLACC office at 715-263-2233.
The Old School Thrift Shop is currently open on Fridays from 9 to 4. Enter through CLACC’s Door 7. More information about the thrift shop is available at
