By Muriel Nelson
Update: Karar has changed their name to Soli Deo Gloria Academy of Ballet and can be found online at ( still works)
Should you ever walk through the third floor hallway of the Clear Lake Community Center on most weekday evenings, you’ll see parents outside Suite 306, waiting for their daughters to finish class at the Karar Ballet Academy. Come earlier and you will find energetic, younger children, dressed in ballet class attire with hair secured in a bun, getting ready for their ballet lessons.
The Karar Ballet Academy was started in Amery in 2010 by Mrs. Holly Hutchins who first studied ballet as an adult. In time, she wanted to teach young girls to “Glorify God and honor Him through disciplined training in classical ballet”. In fact, ‘Karar’ is a Hebrew word of praise, and means ‘to dance and whirl about’.
Indeed, that is how the youngest students, ages 3 to 7, begin in pre-ballet classes. Their classes include learning to jump, spin, and stretch as they learn basic technique, classroom etiquette and some ballet terms. As students progress in age and/or ballet skills, they enroll in courses where classical ballet is learned via the technique named after the distinguished Russian Ballet star, Agrippina Vagonava. The academy offers many classes to accommodate young women from age 3 to 18. (Yes, one can start classical ballet lessons without having taken pre-ballet classes.)
In addition, there are specific courses for training students to dance “en pointe”, that is, on the point of their toes while wearing special ballerina shoes. One of the instructors, Miss Clara, stresses that it’s dangerous and potentially harmful for anyone to attempt the en pointe position without the required training and conditioning. While a dancer can start the special training at age 11, many dancers remain on ‘tiptoe’ unless they are considering professional dancing.
When their Amery location became unavailable in 2018, the Karar Ballet Academy moved to CLACC where they could be assured of adequate space with affordable rent. The academy has a current enrollment of 42 girls, ages 5 to 18. Students come from several communities…Clear Lake, Amery, Turtle Lake, Clayton, Glenwood City and more! Classes are divided into four quarters of eight weeks each. Each year concludes with a recital, and this year’s recital took place on May 13 at the East Lincoln Alliance Church, just outside Amery. More ballet training opportunities are coming as the academy starts summer camps in June. Additionally, registration is now open for fall classes. For complete information on all class options, go to the website,
Wendy Dietrich (Mrs. Wendy) became the Director and owner of the academy in 2020. She worked with Mrs. Holly starting in 2015 and gained the knowledge needed to run a ballet academy. Miss Clara and Miss Maggie, who both studied classical ballet under Mrs. Holly and another trainer, are the current instructors.
Mrs. Wendy continues several Christian-based traditions started by the previous owner. For example, all classes begin with prayer, scripture and perhaps some discussion. Prayer also closes each class in this non-denominational setting.
Another tradition initiated by Mrs. Holly is the Student Ballet Company that presents short programs. The group includes four to six students, selected by tryouts. Each engagement includes narrations entwined with ballet dancing to songs of worship. “Testimonies of Faith” is the short program currently offered. The group accepts invitations to perform at churches, senior centers and similar places. Check their website for more information.
Mrs. Wendy announced the academy is changing its name to the “Soli Deo Gloria Academy of Ballet” soon. This Latin term mean “Glory to God Alone”. The current website, will remain operational throughout the changeover.
The ballet company is another CLACC tenant that exemplifies the mission of the center, that is “To provide a supportive environment for educational, recreational, cultural, spiritual, social and economic opportunities…” for small, growing businesses.
